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Eclipse IDE

DouglasRMiles edited this page Sep 3, 2019 · 40 revisions

Cusp (a version of Swank Server) adds live at runtime groveled language support/documentation to your IDE


Install Eclipse IDE 3.7+

Install CUSP into Eclipse Window->Install New Software-> New Update Site:


The Client Source code, in this case, is written in java and the original author's CUSP did not keep up with all the SLIME/SWANK protocol updates (and non-protocol changes). So we pinned one version of the lisp packages SWANK-* and renamed to CUSP-* to avoid current and future conflicts and as well moving to port 3005 which allows CYC to run an up to date (via Quicklisp) version of SWANK Server for Emacs and Atom IDE support from port 4005.

We still are continually updating the CUSP Server Source code to allow non-CL content from users' CycL rules, SubLisp OOP, Java runtime and Javadocs to appear in popups and autocompletion of each other. (iow, comes from and adds to .lisp, .class, .jar, .subl, .cycl, .pddl, and even .ke) Still, we need to figure out some agreed-upon way with the SWANK developers to for this "extra-info" into up to date SWANK servers.

Hopefully soon, this same infrastructure created will be used to supply Language Server Protocol (LSP).


On one machine (remote or local) Run the CYC Server:

./abclc --rcyc --cusp

or ./abclc --rcyc --all-features

The Eclipse PDE Client will connect to the server (defaults to localhost:3005)

Configured in Window -> Preferences -> CUSP



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