Important note:
This release includes dropzonejs to support Simple Media Bulk Upload included with a recent release of the LocalGov Drupal profile.
For the specific changes, please see b585431
Simple Media Bulk Upload has a dependency on the module which in turn requires the dropzonejs JavaScript library.
There are a number of ways to include this library.
In the localgov_project we choose to use the composer merge plugin to include the library.
For existing installs, to follow this method, you will need to add the same lines to your root level composer.json file.
"merge-plugin": {
"include": [
Then run:
composer require wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin
composer update localgovdrupal/localgov -W
composer update drupal/simple_media_bulk_upload -W
Please also see #173 (comment)
For other ways to install the dropzone JavaScript library, please see
Do please get in touch on Slack of via the issue queue if you have any problems with this.
Many thanks!
What's Changed
- Add dropzonejs composer merge by @andybroomfield in #173
- 3.1.4 release by @finnlewis in #194
Full Changelog: 3.1.3...3.1.4