$ docker run --rm -it lmntal/lmntal
Then write your LMNtal program to stdin, and put C-d
Create .lmn file containing LMNtal program.
$ cd #where program exists
$ docker run --rm -itv $PWD:/mnt slim [options] /mnt/program.lmn
$ cat program.lmn | docker run --rm -i lmntal #RT(runtime) mode
$ cat program.lmn | docker run --rm -i lmntal sh -c 'lmntal --stdin-lmn --slimcode --hl-opt | slim --nd --hl -' #MC(model checking) mode
$ cd #where program exists
$ docker rum --rm -itv $PWD:/mnt bash
Then bash appears, enjoy running lmntal
and slim
- LMNtal compilerslim
- SLIM, the LMNtal runtime
- LMNtal compiler v1.45 and SLIM v2.4.01.44-2.3.1
- LMNtal compiler v1.44 and SLIM v2.3.1
For information about LMNtal, visit official website.