World cities in json format
Populated places of the world (towns, cities) with a population of 500 or more, extracted from the GeoNames database dump. With ID (geonamesid), name, country (ISO alpha 2), admin1 (state/province), latitude, longitude, population. Names are extracted from GeoNames' "name" columns (which are probably the official name of the place used in English), no alternate names.
Geonames feature codes used: PPL, PPLA(1-5), PPLC. These are populated places where people live and work, including capitals and administrative seats, but no sections/suburbs (PPLX), inofficial settlements or places that don't exist anymore (PPLH). Reference:
Roughly 150K places.
"id": "5368361",
"name": "Los Angeles",
"country": "US",
"admin1": "California",
"lat": "34.0522300",
"lon": "-118.2436800",
"pop": "3971883"
GeoNames Gazetteer extract files:
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