Here you can find a .NET library for the Hetzner Cloud API, with which all functions of the endpoints can be used.
The current version is provided as .NET Standard 2.0, currently I am working on a new version for .NET 6 (with features like dependency injection, etc.)
see the getting started page here
see the demo projects here
see the documentation on
see the demo projects here
The v3 client is currently only available as a prerelease. Accordingly, the "Include Prerelease" flag must be set in the NuGet search.
dotnet add package hetznercloudapi
add the following block to your AppSettings:
"HetznerCloud": {
"ApiToken": "YOUR_API_TOKEN"
Alternatively, the API token can also be set dynamically:
IHetznerCloudService _hetznerCloudService = {get instance via DI};
Access via IServerService
Task<Page<Server>> GetAllAsync(int page = 1,
int itemsPerPage = 25,
List<IFilter>? filter = null,
Sorting<ServerSortField>? sorting = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);