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ContTune, a continuous tuning system for elastic stream processing using Big-small algorithm and conservative Bayesian Optimization (CBO) algorithm.

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[VLDB 2023 research paper] ContTune

ContTune, a continuous tuning system for elastic stream processing using Big-small algorithm and conservative Bayesian Optimization (CBO) algorithm.

ContTune is simple and useful! And we faithfully recommend you to read DS21.

ContTune has been deployed on Tencent's distributed stream data processing system Oceanus and serves as the only parallelism tuning system. The codes of Section Implementation (containing controller and Databases) is not open source, but these codes are only engineering realization, and we give our codes of Big-small algorithm and conservative Bayesian Optimization (CBO).


  • Any version of Apache Flink
  • Python >= 3.6
  • Python-scipy >= 1.5.2
  • Python-matplotlib >= 3.3.4

Quick Start

Historical Observations Preparation

Historical observations contain pairs of (parallelism, processing ability), where parallelism can be obtained on Flink and processing ability can be obtained on Flink after deploying Codes of Getting Metrics.

Here is an example historical observations of Nexmark Q1 operator: 'Mapper' in database:

Parallelism 1st PA 2nd PA 3rd PA 4th PA 5th PA mean-reversion PA
1 537531.4221 526027.042 536474.7595 539867.5141 507965.0999 (537531.4221 + 526027.042 + 536474.7595 + 539867.5141 + 507965.0999) / 5 = 529573.16752
2 972028.3529 971570.0773 953960.6134 978189.2728 958338.4957 (972028.3529 + 971570.0773 + 953960.6134 + 978189.2728 + 958338.4957) / 5 = 966817.36242
4 1836718.786 1804663.382 1850355.944 1839823.777 1816916.011 (1836718.786 + 1804663.382 + 1850355.944 + 1839823.777 + 1816916.011) / 5 = 1829695.58
6 2541894.169 2509173.876 2559861.549 2488776.34 2577807.874 (2541894.169 + 2509173.876 + 2559861.549 + 2488776.34 + 2577807.874) / 5 = 2535502.7616
7 2933310.123 2975408.126 2958610.669 2898671.852 2918442.125 (2933310.123 + 2975408.126 + 2958610.669 + 2898671.852 + 2918442.125) / 5 = 2936888.579
8 3118477.883 3101777.888 3147521.943 3108545.88 3116065.819 (3118477.883 + 3101777.888 + 3147521.943 + 3108545.88 + 3116065.819) / 5 = 3118477.8826
10 3713964.595 3760726.143 3798472.095 3711569.576 3620763.509 (3713964.595 + 3760726.143 + 3798472.095 + 3711569.576 + 3620763.509) / 5 = 3721099.1836
14 4624714.166 4585548.142 4663880.189 (4624714.166 + 4585548.142 + 4663880.189) / 3 = 4624714.165666
15 4936270.001 5026367.858 4982989.464 4913003.223 4980510.747 (4936270.001 + 5026367.858 + 4982989.464 + 4913003.223 + 4980510.747) / 5 = 4967828.2586
20 6309578.518 6257840.038 6361316.999 6379096.212 6445553.46 (6309578.518 + 6257840.038 + 6361316.999 + 6379096.212 + 6445553.46) / 5 = 6350677.0454
21 6465249.805 6531482.256 6461423.401 6358448.484 6509645.079 (6465249.805 + 6531482.256 + 6461423.401 + 6358448.484 + 6509645.079) / 5 = 6465249.805
25 7071566.573 7108160.82 7108160.82 7068030.475 7091017.849 (7071566.573 + 7108160.82 + 7108160.82 + 7068030.475 + 7091017.849) / 5 = 7089387.3074
26 7476391.84 (7476391.84) / 1 = 7476391.84

From historical observations we can get this map (key is parallelism and value is processing ability):

mp = {}
mp[1] = 529573.16752
mp[2] = 966817.36242
mp[4] = 1829695.58
mp[6] = 2535502.7616
mp[7] = 2936888.579
mp[8] = 3118477.8826
mp[10] = 3721099.1836
mp[13] = 4624714.165666
mp[15] = 4967828.2586
mp[20] = 6350677.0454
mp[21] = 6465249.805
mp[25] = 7089387.3074
mp[26] = 7476391.84

And for the tuned job, ContTune first uses the Big-small algorithm to make it non-backpressure, and get the surrogate model like this:


And now for any upstream rate, you can use the acquisition function to find the best parallelism by ContTune.

For example, if the workload is 4e6, and you can get the parallelism is:


$$ For \ this \ figure ,\ For \ workload \ 4e6, \ you \ can \ find \ the \ parallelism \lceil 10.64 \rceil = 11,\ and \ d_{nearest} = \lvert 11 - 10 \rvert = 1 \ for \ any \ \alpha \geq 1, $$

$$ \ paralllism = 11 \ is \ recommended, \ otherwise, \ DS2 \ is \ triggered. $$

And ContTune works iteratively for each operator.

Codes of Getting Metrics

About useful time if you use the Flink version < 1.13, you can add the code to get busyTime on serialization, processing and deserialization like DS21 as the patch in:


, otherwise, if you use the Flink version >= 1.13, you can use busyTimeMsPerSecond in Flink Metrics as the useful time.

Because, ContTune first uses Big-small to make job non-backpressure, so ContTune uses numRecordsInPerSecond in Flink Mertics of non-backpressure jobs.

ContTune gets the processing ability is:

$$ \frac{numRecordsInPerSecond}{useful time}. $$

But if you have deployed the DS21, by running DS21 you will get the real processing ability of operator like this:


, and you can use the processing ability given by DS2, too.

Codes of Big-small Algorithm

The Big-small algorithm code is very simple and is the same as Algorithm 1 in the paper.

Codes of Conservative Bayesian Optimization

The code of our Gaussian Process is in:


The code is simple and useful:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import minimize

import numpy as np

class GPR:

    # optimize = True means that the GP model need to use hyper parameters optimization: negative_log_likelihood_loss
    # There are two hyper parameters, l and sigma_f
    def __init__(self, optimize=True):
        self.is_fit = False
        self.train_X, self.train_y = None, None
        self.params = {"l": 4.37, "sigma_f": 1000000}
        self.optimize = optimize

    def fit(self, X, y):
        # store train data
        self.train_X = np.asarray(X)
        self.train_y = np.asarray(y)

        # hyper parameters optimization using Marginal Log-likelihood
        # you also can use GaussianProcessRegressor from scikit-learn
        # and here is example:
        # from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor
        # from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import ConstantKernel, RBF
        # # fit GPR
        # kernel = ConstantKernel(constant_value=0.2, constant_value_bounds=(1e-4, 1e4)) * RBF(length_scale=0.5,
        #                                                                                      length_scale_bounds=(
        #                                                                                      1e-4, 1e4))
        # gpr = GaussianProcessRegressor(kernel=kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=2)
        #, train_y)
        # mu, cov = gpr.predict(test_X, return_cov=True)
        # test_y = mu.ravel()
        # uncertainty = 1.96 * np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))
        # # plotting
        # plt.figure()
        # plt.title("l=%.1f sigma_f=%.1f" % (gpr.kernel_.k2.length_scale, gpr.kernel_.k1.constant_value))
        # plt.fill_between(test_X.ravel(), test_y + uncertainty, test_y - uncertainty, alpha=0.1)
        # plt.plot(test_X, test_y, label="predict")
        # plt.scatter(train_X, train_y, label="train", c="red", marker="x")
        # plt.legend()
        def negative_log_likelihood_loss(params):
            self.params["l"], self.params["sigma_f"] = params[0], params[1]
            Kyy = self.kernel(self.train_X, self.train_X) + 1e-8 * np.eye(len(self.train_X))
            loss = 0.5 * + 0.5 * np.linalg.slogdet(Kyy)[1] + 0.5 * len(self.train_X) * np.log(2 * np.pi)
            return loss.ravel()

        if self.optimize:
            res = minimize(negative_log_likelihood_loss, [self.params["l"], self.params["sigma_f"]],
                   bounds=((1e-5, 1e5), (1e-5, 5e5)),
            self.params["l"], self.params["sigma_f"] = res.x[0], res.x[1]

        self.is_fit = True

    def predict(self, X):
        if not self.is_fit:
            print("GPR Model does not fit yet.")

        X = np.asarray(X)
        Kff = self.kernel(self.train_X, self.train_X)  # (N, N)
        Kyy = self.kernel(X, X)  # (k, k)
        Kfy = self.kernel(self.train_X, X)  # (N, k)
        Kff_inv = np.linalg.inv(Kff + 1e-8 * np.eye(len(self.train_X)))  # (N, N)

        mu =
        cov = Kyy -
        return mu, cov

    def kernel(self, x1, x2):
        dist_matrix = np.sum(x1 ** 2, 1).reshape(-1, 1) + np.sum(x2 ** 2, 1) - 2 *, x2.T)
        return self.params["sigma_f"] ** 2 * np.exp(-0.5 / self.params["l"] ** 2 * dist_matrix)

def y(x, noise_sigma=0.0):
    x = np.asarray(x)
    y = x + np.random.normal(0, noise_sigma, size=x.shape)
    return y.tolist()

def GP(mp={}):
    arr = []
    brr = []
    for (key, value) in mp.items():

    train_X = np.array(arr).reshape(-1, 1)
    train_y = (np.array(brr).reshape(-1, 1) + np.random.normal(0, 1e-4, size=np.asarray(train_X).shape)).tolist()

    # you need to change 27 to the upper bound parallelism of this operator
    test_X = np.arange(0, 27, 1).reshape(-1, 1)

    gpr = GPR(), train_y)
    mu, cov = gpr.predict(test_X)
    test_y = mu.ravel()
    uncertainty = 1.96 * np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))

    plt.title("l=%.2f sigma_f=%.2f" % (gpr.params["l"], gpr.params["sigma_f"]))

    plt.fill_between(test_X.ravel(), test_y + uncertainty, test_y - uncertainty, alpha=0.1)
    plt.plot(test_X, test_y, label="predict")
    plt.scatter(train_X, train_y, label="train", c="red", marker="x")

For using it, you only need to prepare historical observations mp.

Codes of Benchmark

All codes of Benchmark are as the same as DS21:




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ContTune, a continuous tuning system for elastic stream processing using Big-small algorithm and conservative Bayesian Optimization (CBO) algorithm.






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