wget https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content/com/github/ljishen/rocksdbjni-rmi/
java -jar rocksdbjni-rmi- [port] [hostname]
git clone https://github.com/ljishen/rocksdbjni-rmi.git
cd rocksdbjni-rmi
mvn clean package [-P{rocksdb,trocksdb}] [-Drocksdb.version=<the version>]
java -jar target/rocksdbjni-rmi- [port] [hostname]
The port
and hostname
are used to run the RMI registry in the server JVM. The default port is 1099
, and the default hostname is localhost
if the corresponding parameter is not specified. Note that the hostname
is the hostname or IP of the local machine, and it should be reachable from the client program (e.g., YCSB) who wants to connect to the RMI registry.
You can choose to build the RMI server for either RocksDB or TRocksDB with the option -P
. You can also specify the version of RocksDB using the build property rocksdb.version
. The available versions are specified by the availabilities of the corresponding options files.
Please refer to the YCSB rocksdb-binding for detail instruction of using this server.
Here are the steps to deploy and release a new version of "rocksdbjni-rmi" to Sonatype OSSRH (OSS Repository Hosting). The process mainly follows the OSSRH Guide and tries to provide an aggregated overall steps.
Make sure to commit all your changes to the local repository.
If you do not have a GPG key pair, generate one following these detailed instructions. Please remember to distribute your public key to a key server.
Copy the
to either${maven.home}/conf/settings.xml
as global settings, or${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml
as user settings. The user settings dominate the global settings if the same settings exist in the two locations. Usually, this could be as simple ascp settings.xml ~/.m2/
Update the Sonatype JIRA username and password, as well as the passphrase of your GPG key in your
. -
Prepare for a release in SCM:
mvn release:clean release:prepare
This process will ask you the release version, the SCM release tag, and the new development version for "rocksdbjni-rmi", and automatically commit the changes of the POM file and the README.md file for you in 3 commits with the message prefix of "[maven-release-plugin]".
With version updated, you can deploy the "rocksdbjni-rmi" to the staging repository
mvn release:perform
This execution will deploy to OSSRH but will NOT release to the Central Repository.
(Optional) Query the
s. You will need them for releasing or dropping if you have multiple staging repositoriesmvn nexus-staging:rc-list -P release
Here is an example output from the above command:
[INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] Inspecting build with total of 1 modules... [INFO] Installing Nexus Staging features: [INFO] ... total of 1 executions of maven-deploy-plugin replaced with nexus-staging-maven-plugin [INFO] [INFO] -----------------< com.github.ljishen:rocksdbjni-rmi >------------------ [INFO] Building rocksdbjni-rmi [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- nexus-staging-maven-plugin:1.6.8:rc-list (default-cli) @ rocksdbjni-rmi --- [INFO] + Using server credentials "ossrh" from Maven settings. [INFO] * Connected to Nexus at https://oss.sonatype.org:443/, is version 2.14.16-01 and edition "Professional" [INFO] Getting list of available staging repositories... [INFO] [INFO] ID State Description [INFO] comgithubljishen-1053 CLOSED com.github.ljishen:rocksdbjni-rmi: [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 3.835 s [INFO] Finished at: 2020-03-25T20:24:27-07:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
In this case, the
. -
You can manually inspect the staging repository through the Nexus Repository Manager.
If everything goes well, you can trigger a release of the staging repository with
cd target/checkout mvn nexus-staging:release -P release [-DstagingRepositoryId=<stagingRepositoryId>]
and push the newly created tag and the 3 commits generated by the maven-release-plugin with
cd ../../ git push --follow-tags origin master
otherwise, you can drop the staging repository with
cd target/checkout mvn nexus-staging:drop -P release [-DstagingRepositoryId=<stagingRepositoryId>]
and discard the newly created tag and related commits with
cd ../../ git reset --hard HEAD^^^ git tag -d $(git tag -l --sort=-version:refname "rocksdbjni-rmi*" | head -1)
setting pinentry mode 'loopback' failed: Not supported
This error occurs in
step 6
if you are using GnuPG 2.1.11. To fix this problem,echo "allow-loopback-pinentry" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf gpgconf --reload gpg-agent
This was fixed in GnuPG 2.1.12, but if you’re using Ubuntu 16.04 you’re stuck with the affected version. (source)