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A live2d motionsync library


codesandbox demo


  1. Only support Cubism 4 models

  2. Models need to support motionsync3



npm install live2d-motionsync



import { MotionSync } from "live2d-motionsync";

media stream

import { MotionSync } from "live2d-motionsync/stream";

Install pixi-live2d-display

npm install pixi-live2d-display pixi.js@6.5.10
import * as PIXI from "pixi.js";
import { Live2DModel } from "pixi-live2d-display";
import { MotionSync } from "live2d-motionsync";

// expose PIXI to window so that this plugin is able to
// reference window.PIXI.Ticker to automatically update Live2D models
window.PIXI = PIXI;

(async function () {
  const app = new PIXI.Application({
    view: document.getElementById("canvas"),

  const model = await Live2DModel.from("kei_vowels_pro.model3.json");

  // init motionsync
  const motionSync = new MotionSync(model.internalModel);
  // load motionsync file
  // if no motionsync3 file, load default motionsync3 config
  // motionSync.loadDefaultMotionSync();

  // ensure page interaction
  // play audio"/audio/test.wav").then(() => {
    console.log("play end");
  // stop audio
  // motionSync.reset();


  // transforms
  model.x = 100;
  model.y = 100;
  model.rotation = Math.PI;
  model.skew.x = Math.PI;
  model.scale.set(2, 2);
  model.anchor.set(0.5, 0.5);

  // interaction
  model.on("hit", (hitAreas) => {
    if (hitAreas.includes("body")) {

MotionSync API

constructor(internalModel: any)

Initialize a new MotionSync instance.

  • Parameters:

    • internalModel: The internal model object containing the core model and other necessary components.
  • Description:

    • This constructor uses the provided internalModel to initialize the MotionSync class and start and initialize the CubismMotionSync framework.

async play(src: string | AudioBuffer): Promise<void>

  • Return:

    • Promise<void>: A Promise that resolves when the audio playback ends.

Play audio from specified source.

  • Parameters:

    • src: The audio source, which can be a URL string or an AudioBuffer object.
  • Description:

    • This method loads audio from the given source and starts playback. It returns a Promise that resolves when the audio playback ends.


Reset the MotionSync instance to its initial state.

  • Description:
    • This method stops any ongoing audio playback and resets the mouth state.

loadMotionSync(buffer: ArrayBuffer, samplesPerSec = SamplesPerSec)

Load motion sync data from ArrayBuffer.

  • Parameters:

    • buffer: The ArrayBuffer containing the motion sync data.
    • samplesPerSec: The sample rate of the audio data (default is 48000).
  • Description:

    • This method uses the provided motion sync data to initialize the CubismMotionSync instance.

async loadDefaultMotionSync(samplesPerSec = SamplesPerSec)

Load default motion sync data.

  • Parameters:

    • samplesPerSec: The sample rate of the audio data (default is 48000).
  • Description:

    • This method loads the default motion sync data from a predefined URL.

async loadMotionSyncFromUrl(url: string, samplesPerSec = SamplesPerSec)

Load motion sync data from URL.

  • Parameters:

    • url: The URL of the motion sync data.
    • samplesPerSec: The sample rate of the audio data (default is 48000).
  • Description:

    • This method fetches the motion sync data from the specified URL and initializes the CubismMotionSync instance. If the fetch fails, it falls back to loading the default motion sync data.

MotionSync Stream

import { MotionSync } from "live2d-motionsync/stream";

const motionSync = new MotionSync(model.internalModel);
const mediaStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
  audio: true,

function stop() {
  mediaStream.getTracks().forEach((track) => track.stop());

// stop()


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