We have released the first official version v1.0.0.
We also provide English and Chinese documentation and some examples of use.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.3...v1.0.0
+ Add preferred path for loading acss source.
+ Add support for style inheritance.
+ Animation setters now support dynamic resources.
+ Add support for embedded source.
+ IAcssContext support to control whether Transition is enabled or not.
- Setters of style behind the children will be ignored now.
- Remove asynchronous loading for acss for now.
- Simplifying the Transition object syntax.
● Optimize file monitoring service. Now files under the same folder share a file monitor.
● Fix the bug that dynamic resources do not reload when the resource changed.
● Fix some bugs for reloading styles.
● Rename AcssBuilder to AcssContext.
+ Add some animations that Fluent theme should have.
● Using style inheritance to save code.
● AcssFluentTheme uses EmbeddedSource now.
+ SelectionDetailBehavior.
+ Add extend method ShowDialogSync() for Window.
+ NtWindow supports Mask, which is displayed in the upper layer of the content.