Linux buddyinfo custom metrics plugin for agent.
mackerel-plugin-buddyinfo is hoping to help in investigating of Linux OS error page allocation failure
The numbers of available pages of each chunks. This can be output with -verbose
is node + zone name.
Since this graph is too informative, we recommend that you use the following graphs.
Shows the percentages of available_pages categorized by size.
is node + zone name.
- small: 4K, 8K, 16K, 32K
- middle: 64K, 128K, 256K, 512K
- large: 1M, 2M, 4M
Shows the average chunk sizes of available_pages. When the value is low, memory fragmentation is in progress.
is node + zone name.
Install mkr, and run:
mkr plugin install livesense-inc/mackerel-plugin-buddyinfo
command = ["/opt/mackerel-agent/plugins/bin/mackerel-plugin-buddyinfo"]
mackerel-plugin-odfe [-tempfile=<tempfile>] [-metric-key-prefix=<prefix>] [-verbose]
option produces too many metrics. Be careful.- This plugin outputs metrics with
prefix. You can change it by-metric-key-prefix