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Livepeer Subgraph

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This package contains the source code for the Livepeer Subgraph, a project for indexing and querying Livepeer data from the Ethereum blockchain using The Graph.


$ yarn
$ yarn prepare:arbitrum-one

The first command installs all external dependencies, while the latter generates the subgraph.yaml file, which is required by The Graph.

We use Handlebars to compile a template subgraph and add the parameters specific to each network (arbitrum-one and arbitrum-goerli). The network can be changed via the NETWORK_NAME environment variable or directly by choosing a different "prepare" script. See package.json for all options.

Deploy the Livepeer Subgraph to the Graph's hosted service (recommended)

Follow the instructions documented here.

Deploy the Livepeer Subgraph locally

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose
  2. In the root of this project run docker-compose up. This command will look for the docker-compose.yml file and automatically provision a server with rust, postgres, and ipfs, and spin up a graph node with a GraphiQL interface at
  3. Run yarn create:local to create the subgraph
  4. Run yarn deploy:local to deploy it

After downloading the latest blocks from Ethereum, you should begin to see Livepeer smart contract events flying in. Open a GraphiQL browser at localhost:8000 to query the Graph Node.


We rely on Docker Compose to test the subgraph against our contracts. To run the tests, use one of the following methods.

Multi Command

This will use the dependencies in Docker and run the tests locally in Hardhat. This is the recommended flow for developing tests.

yarn start # in first terminal

In another terminal window, create the subgraph and deploy it, then run tests against it:

yarn create:local
yarn deploy:local
yarn test:development

Single Command

This will build the latest tests into a Dockerfile and run them against the subgraph in Docker.

yarn test


To deploy the Livepeer subgraph on mainnet, make changes to l1-mainnet. Changes to this branch will automatically deploy to the L1 subgraph.


This repository contains the code for the Livepeer Protocol subgraph






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