- Author: Luka Pusic luka@pusic.si (lukapusic on github)
- URI: http://360percents.com/posts/first-google-google-plus-status-update-bot-in-php/
This bot can log into your Google account and update your Google Plus status, but you can extend it to other Google products. All this is done without Google API, OAuth, tokens or any other annoying products.
- PHP curl extension
- Open gplus.php and edit email and password
- run it
php gplus.php
- added debug parameter, pageid parameter, pc_uagent parameter
- page updating still not implemented
- changed the way baseurl is determined, google removed base href
- post visibility is not public by default
- fixed "&" encoding (thx Pauly)
- status is now passed as command line argument instead of directly in a variable declaration inside the script
- PHP hashbang for easier command line usage
- fails if you didn't confirm mobile location terms and conditions
- fails if you have mobile verification enabled
- add an option to change post visility
- add posting to pages