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Releases: linux-sunxi/sunxi-tools

sunxi-tools v1.4

26 Oct 19:17
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A summary of the most significant changes since v1.3:

  • We've been build-testing successfully on Travis CI for quite a while now, including
    automated checking of new pull requests.
  • sunxi-fel has received many fixes, and gained several new features: progress
    indicator, some new commands, and recently the ability to affect the U-Boot
    environment (variables).
  • Some bugfixes were made in the .fex utilities (sunxi-fexc/bin2fex/fex2bin).
  • @ssvb implemented a UART "hello world" program that can serve as an example
    for "bare metal" programming of Allwinner SoCs.
  • A sunxi-nand-image-builder utility by @bbrezillon to prepare "raw" NAND images.

A complete list of changes (excluding merge commits) since v1.3:

Bernhard Nortmann (58):
      fel: Introduce progress framework
      fel: refactor aw_fel_write()
      fel: extend usb_bulk_send() for progress updates
      fel: implement simple progress bar for larger transfers
      fel: extend progress display with transfer rate and ETA
      fel: Add file_size() and factor out a reusable file_upload()
      fel: implement "write-with-progress" and "multiwrite"
      fel: support FEL progress gauge via dialog utility
      fel: support updating the caption for "dialog --gauge"
      fel: bugfix - revert autostart change from d99d59c
      fel: unify handling of "prefix"-type command line arguments
      fel: fix memory leak, properly shut down USB library
      fel: support selection of specific USB bus and device number
      fel: Do a clean exit(0) after printing usage help
      fel: Simplify hexdump() single character output, using putchar()
      fel: Use initializers for aw_usb_request and aw_fel_request
      fel: Remove surplus colons on perror() messages
      fexc: Improve script_decompile_bin() safeguards
      fexc: Regroup code in script_decompile_bin()
      fel: Fix a possible format/conversion error in aw_write_buffer()
      fel: Convert "needs_l2en" to boolean type
      Add Travis CI configuration file
      fel: Introduce helper function for reporting libusb errors
      Replace endian_compat.h with portable_endian.h
      Makefile: Have portable_endian.h properly expose all functions
      nand-part: Avoid Linux-only ioctl() on other platforms
      Rename README to display it as markdown
      Some markdown formatting for proper display of
      travis-ci: Extend build matrix, disable email notifications
      Move list declarations from common.h into a separate list.h
      Get rid of two "unused parameter" warnings
      fexc: Clarify intent of opt_string adjustment
      Makefile: Provide a way to pass explicit _NETBSD_SOURCE
      README: Improve on (markdown) formatting
      phoenix_info: avoid -Wsometimes-uninitialized compiler warning
      fel: Avoid -Wunused-variable (iface_detached) on non-Linux platforms
      fel: Silence possible compiler warnings on "end of table" markers
      travis-ci: Be more strict on build checks
      fel: Add "readl" and "writel" commands
      fel: add "sid" command to print SID (128-bit key) on supported SoCs
      Makefile: Add "binfiles" target and simplify rule sets
      fel: Cosmetic fixes
      fexc: Don't fail silently on parse error
      fexc: Fix thinko in script decompiler
      fexc: More relaxed version data check in script_bin.c
      fexc: Warn when decompiling a malformed section entry (key string)
      fexc: Ignore lines starting with ':' when compiling .fex
      fel: Implement "reset64" command to force warm reset into AArch64
      fel-sdboot: Fix header corruption workaround, implement in assembly
      Add support for auto-updated version information
      fel: bugfix: aw_fel_writel_n() transfers need to do endian conversion
      Convert license file to Markdown syntax
      Some minor adjustments in
      fel: Add the ability to pass uEnv-style data via FEL (#60)
      Have programs display version information in their usage help
      Add a release (version) badge to
      fel: Minor fixup - rename "progress" to "callback" for clarity
      Prepare release v1.4
Boris Brezillon (5):
      Add a tool to generate raw NAND images
      nand-image-builder: Fix the copyright header
      nand-image-builder: Add error messages to check_image_info()
      nand-image-builder: Rework the help context
      nand-image-builder: Fix --help/-h option
Emmanuel Vadot (1):
      Fix building on FreeBSD
Hans de Goede (1):
      script_extractor: Remove unnecessary size argument
Jens Kuske (2):
      fel: only read MMU control registers if MMU is enabled
      fel: add fel spl support for Allwinner A80
Justin Swartz (2):
      Makefile: Add sunxi-script_extractor target
      README: Cross-compilation examples
Lourens Rozema (1):
      fel: Add release USB interface to allow proper operation on Mac OS X.
Siarhei Siamashka (12):
      fel: Helper functions for reading/writing ARM coprocessor registers
      fel: Support for enabling MMU after running SPL on new SoC variants
      fel: Enable MMU on Allwinner-H3 to improve FEL transfer speed
      fel: Move the temporary scratch buffer under the IRQ stack
      Fix compatibility with Linaro toolchains for building ARM binaries
      fel: Move backup area to higher addresses in SRAM on A10/A13/A20
      fel: Rename the backup buffers which use AR100 (OpenRISC) SRAM
      fel: Move the backup storage to the SRAM B on A31
      fel: Move the backup storage to the SRAM section A1 on H3
      fel-sdboot.sunxi: Add support for A64 and A80
      fel: Add fel spl command support for Allwinner A64
      Add new uart0-helloworld-sdboot.sunxi bootable test image
howientc (1):
      fel: Improve file_upload() when no progress callback is passed

sunxi-tools v1.3

20 Nov 06:53
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A summary of the most significant changes since v1.2:

  • The command line tools got "sunxi-" prefix to match the renames already done by Debian and Fedora sunxi-tools packagers.
  • Added support for new "spl" and "uboot" commands in the "sunxi-fel" tool, which allow booting standard U-Boot images over USB. More information and detailed instructions can be found at
  • Added a new meminfo tool (based on from @maxnet). It allows to retrieve the information about the DRAM controller configuration when run on Allwinner devices.

A complete list of changes since v1.2:

Andrey Kosteltsev (1):
      fixed issue #29: bad if test?
Bartosz J (1):
      Fix issue #25: - Omit SCRIPT_VALUE_TYPE_NULL entries with no key name
Bernhard Nortmann (10):
      sunxi-tools: extend fel utility to handle SPL + U-Boot binary
      sunxi-tools: prevent possible out-of-bounds memory access
      sunxi-tools: make "uboot_autostart" local instead of global
      fel: fix typo
      fix compiler warnings due to deprecated _BSD_SOURCE
      fel: refactor image type detection/query
      fel: implement persistent sram_info information
      fel: add a mechanism to provide boot information via FEL
      sunxi-tools: some trivial fixes
      sunxi-tools: make use of proper boolean data types
Chen-Yu Tsai (2):
      fel: Add A80 SoC ID
      fel: Detect FEL mode bulk transfer endpoint addresses at startup
Floris Bos (1):
      meminfo: Initial upload
Hans de Goede (1):
      Add fel spl support for A23
Ian Campbell (6):
      Add copyright headers to various files.
      usb-boot: Trivial typo fix s/fint/find
      fel-to-spl-thunk.S: Only depend on binutils.
      Makefile: Prefix most tools with sunxi-
      Makefile: Split out target tools rules
      Makefile: Add an install rule
Luc Verhaegen (18):
      fexc: add some sanity checking to bin reading
      meminfo: rename and add to build
      meminfo: fix up density calculation
      meminfo: rewrite /dev/mem handling
      meminfo: fix up printing
      meminfo: rewrite pll5 retrieval
      meminfo: rewrite dram parameter reading
      meminfo: various cleanups
      meminfo: read in soc version
      meminfo: fill in tpr4 on sun7i
      meminfo: (re-)introduce fex and usage printing
      meminfo: add a33 and a80 ids
      meminfo: make dram clock code more generic
      meminfo: make existing code sun4i specific
      meminfo: move sun4i code to its own function.
      meminfo: move soc version checking to main
      meminfo: increment clock n value for sun6i/8i
      meminfo: add sun6i register printing
Oliver Schinagl (2):
      meminfo: do not assume Memory is always 24MHz * X
      meminfo: swap PLL1 TUN2 register to proper location
Olliver Schinagl (3):
      Exclude sunxi-meminfo-static from git
      do not store backup files
      Very quick n dirty hack to get a script.bin from /dev/mem
Peter Korsgaard (1):
      Makefile: use force option when creating symlinks
Reinhard Max (1):
      Allow empty sections as found in the FEX files of Ippo q8h v1.2 and FSL S8
Siarhei Siamashka (16):
      meminfo: fix 'dram_tpr3' reporting
      meminfo: fix 'dram_clk' reporting for frequencies that are not multiples of 24
      fel: Split 'aw_fel_get_version' into 'get' and 'print' variants
      fel: New command for loading U-Boot SPL binaries in eGON format
      fel: Add --verbose option and implement transfer speed reporting
      fel: Disable MMU to get more SRAM space and fix A13 problems
      fel: Faster USB transfers via 'fel write' to DRAM
      fel: Fix USB timeout on large transfers
      fel: Set the AUXCR L2EN bit for A10/A13
      README: Remove the obsolete 'usb-boot' script
      README: Add a brief 'script-extractor' tool description
      fel: Report FEL stack pointers
      fel: get rid of the FEL_EXEC_SCRATCH_AREA constant
      fel-to-spl-thunk.S: Fix safety guard which checks for enabled cache
      Makefile: 'fel' tool depends on fel-to-spl-thunk.h
      fel: Make the SPL load address configurable instead of hardcoded 0x0
Vishnu Patekar (4):
      fel: Handle error and don't exit if MMU is not enabled.
      fel: add fel spl support for A33
      fel: add fel spl support for A83T
      fel: add fel spl support for H3