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Our paper Boosting Data Center Performance via Intelligently Managed Multi-backend Disaggregated Memory has been accepted in SC'24.

This paper proposes xDM, a multi-backend disaggregated memory system that can manage multiple far memory paths with high performance.

File description

code: Source code

        code/drivers: Source code of RDMA and DRAM backend drivers.

        code/eval: Source code of different workloads.

        code/farmemserver: Source code of RDMA server.

        code/kernel: Source code of fastswap kernel.

        code/log_process: Source code of log process.

        code/scripts: Source code of scripts used in installation.

document:Include documents about how to confige our system.

1. xDM path configuration

a. Requirements

1)xDM rdma server:a server with at least 64G memory(128G recommend), ubuntu 20.04.06(recommend), a MT27800 Family [ConnectX-5] NIC(recommend), MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.8- installed (available at Linux InfiniBand Drivers (, should match the Linux distribution and rdma NIC version.),

2)xDM client:a server with at least 64G memory(128G recommend), ubuntu 20.04.06(recommend), a MT27800 Family [ConnectX-5] NIC(recommend), MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.8- installed (available at Linux InfiniBand Drivers (, should match the Linux distribution and rdma NIC version.), require qemu-kvm installed

b. Install xDM in xDM client

1)Install VM in xDM client

Install qemu-kvm, we recommend to install virt-manager to manage VMs

sudo apt install qemu-system qemu-utils virt-manager libvirt-clients libvirt-daemon-system -y

Install VM with virt-manager. The next steps are finished in the VMs.

Here is the recommanded configuration of VMs.

  1. CPU cores: 16

  2. CPU model: (host-model, enable AVX)

  3. RAM: >=64G

  4. storage: >=300G

2) Compiling and installing data swap kernel in each vm on the client node, only DRAM and RDMA kernel need this step

We use modified kernel in clusterfarmem/fastswap and based on the drivers to implement xDM. We also use part of workloads in clusterfarmem/cfm .

git clone the repo

cd ~
git clone

First you need a copy of the source for kernel 4.11 with SHA a351e9b9fc24e982ec2f0e76379a49826036da12. We outline the high level steps here.

cd ~
cd linux-4.11
git init .
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"

Now you can use the provided patch and apply it against your copy of linux-4.11, and use the generic Ubuntu config file for kernel 4.11. You can get the config file from internet, or you can use the one we provide.

git apply ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/kernel/kernel.patch
cp ~/fastswap/kernel/config-4.11.0-041100-generic ~/linux-4.11/.config

Make sure you have necessary prerequisites to compile the kernel, and compile it:

sudo apt-get install git build-essential kernel-package fakeroot libncurses5-dev libssl-dev ccache bison flex
make -j `getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN` deb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-fastswap

Once it's done, your deb packages should be one directory above, you can simply install them all:

cd ..
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

The fastswap kernel has been installed in the VM. If you want to use RDMA or DRAM backend, you should boot system with the modified 4.11 fastswap kernel.

3) Configure rdma in kvm virtual machine

    Refer to document configure rdma in kvm VM, in this step, make sure the ofed driver you installed in VM is 4.3 version. If the official version 4.3 driver is not available, we provide a Google Cloud Drive download link.

4) Compile backend drivers

DRAM backend:

Use DRAM backend in xDM client (in VM)

cd ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/drivers

RDMA backend:

Use RDMA backend in xDM client (in VM)

cd ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/drivers

in xDM server

cd ~
git clone
cd ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/farmemserver

c. Backend configuration

xDM supports three types of swap backend SSD (or disk), DRAM, and RDMA. After following the above steps, you can configure it. We offer scripts for configuration. Before you use configure backend, you should have 32G swap space set.

free -g | grep swap
# Swap:             32           0           32

SSD backend (supporting Linux simple kernel):

cd ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/scripts/
sudo chmod +x
./ ssd $path_mount_on_ssd

DRAM backend (supporting modified Linux kernel)

cd ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/scripts/
sudo chmod +x
./ dram

RDMA backend (supporting modified Linux kernel)

To build and run the far memory server do(xDM RDMA server):

./rmserver $port $far_memory_size $cpu_num_in_rdma_client

Configure rdma backend in xDM client

cd ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/scripts/
sudo chmod +x

./ rdma $rdma_server_ip $rdma_server_port $rdma_client_ip

2. xDM parameter modification

a. Backend switch

Using code/scripts/, we strongly suggest to use SSD backend without the modified kernel for it may cause the system crush. We will solve the problem in the next version.

Configure a new backend or switch to another backend can be finished to use the script. Just follow the steps in Backend configuration.

b. Configuring data granularity (by turning on/off THP)

turn on THP

sudo sh -c "echo always > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled"

turn off THP

sudo sh -c "echo never> /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled"

c. Configuring I/O bandwidth (by assigning CPU core numbers)

The number of CPUs can be only configured by kvm. You should shut down the VM server and start it.

# modify VM configuration
sudo virsh edit CacheExp
# query the number of CPUs
cat /proc/cpuinfo| grep "physical id"| sort| uniq| wc -l

d. Configuring data distribution (by assigning local memory ratio)

Here is a example of how to evaluate chatglm with 0.5 local memory ratio.

cd ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/eval
python3 benchmark chatglm 0.5

Here is an example of hot to configure NUMA node assignment.

numactl --cpunodebind=0 --membind=0 ./test
numactl -C 0-1 ./test

Here are other operations in VM that may be used:

list running VMs

sudo virsh list

shutdown VM-CacheExp

sudo virsh shutdown CacheExp

force shudown VM-CacheExp

sudo virsh destory CacheExp

start VM-CacheExp

sudo virsh start CacheExp

edit VM-CacheExp's configurations

sudo virsh edit CacheExp

3. System evaluation

Here are the workloads we support now.

type name state Notes
C/C++ quicksort
Spark PageRank
GridGraph PreProcess
Ligra BFS
Python kmeans when local mremory ratio is low, program will crash
tensorflow inception
File operation file read/write PreProcess in GridGraph
PostgreSQL TPCH Small memory usage with huge page cache
TPCDS Small memory usage with huge page cache
TPCC Small memory usage with huge page cache
Sysbench Small memory usage with huge page cache
AI chatglm

a. Workload preparation

Some workloads' configuration can refer to CFM: quicksort, linpack, stream, pagerank, kmeans, inception, resnet

GridGraph: refer to thu-pacman/GridGraph: Out-of-core graph processing on a single machine

Ligra: refer to jshun/ligra: Ligra: A Lightweight Graph Processing Framework for Shared Memory


model:refer to THUDM/chatglm2-6b · Hugging Face


model:refer to THUDM/chatglm2-6b-int4 · Hugging Face


model:refer to openai/clip-vit-large-patch14 · Hugging Face

data:refer to CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets


model:refer to GitHub - gaussic/text-classification-cnn-rnn: CNN-RNN中文文本分类,基于TensorFlow

data:refer to


model:refer to workloads' configuration can refer to CFM: quicksort, linpack, stream, pagerank, kmeans, inception, resnet

GridGraph: refer to thu-pacman/GridGraph: Out-of-core graph processing on a single machine

Ligra: refer to jshun/ligra: Ligra: A Lightweight Graph Processing Framework for Shared Memory


model:refer to THUDM/chatglm2-6b · Hugging Face


model:refer to THUDM/chatglm2-6b-int4 · Hugging Face


model:refer to openai/clip-vit-large-patch14 · Hugging Face

data:refer to CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets


model:refer to GitHub - gaussic/text-classification-cnn-rnn: CNN-RNN中文文本分类,基于TensorFlow

data:refer to


model:refer to google-bert/bert-base-uncased · Hugging Face

b. Evaluate individual workloads

1) Disable cgroup V1

It's different in different kernels and lsb versions. We show the steps we used in our system.

  • Open /boot/grub/grub.cfg in your editor of choice
  • Find the menuentry for the fastswap kernel
  • Add cgroup_no_v1=memory to the end of the line beginning in linux /boot/vmlinuz-4.11.0-sswap
  • Save and exit the file
  • Run: sudo update-grub
  • Reboot

2) Mount cgroupV2

The framework and scripts rely on the cgroup system to be mounted at /cgroup2. Perform the following actions:

  • Run sudo mkdir /cgroup2 to create root mount point
  • Execute code/scripts/

Here is an example of how to evaluate chatglm with a 0.5 local memory ratio.

cd ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/eval
python3 benchmark chatglm 0.5

c. Evaluate multi workloads

Make sure you have installed the workloads install in the code\eval path. Here is a script to quickly install workloads we provide in the repo.

chmod +x ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/scripts/
sh ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/scripts/

Then evaluate mutil workloads:

chmod +x ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/scripts/
sh ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/scripts/ $log_file_name

d. Generate results (processing logs)

Use script in code/log_process to process log file.

python ~/Multi-backend-DM/code/log_process/ $log_file_path