- Install ROS-Kinetic, recommand Desktop-Full install.
- (Optional, skip this step if you install ROS in Desktop-Full mode) Install Gazebo-7.0
- (Optional) Install openai_ros
- Assume you have set up an ros workspace at
, and ready to config the environment in it.$ sudo apt install ros-kinetic-turtlebot-gazebo
Sometimes, you may need to$ cd /opt/ros/kinetic
, then$ source setup.bash
- To make sure
is launchable, try$ roslaunch turtlbot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch
- To get ready for reinforcement learning,
$ cd ~/ros_ws/src
, then clone this repo$ git clone https://github.com/linZHank/turtlebot_rl.git
- Launch learning environment,
$ roslaunch turtlebot_rl turtlebot_crib.launch
$ cd /home/yourname/ros_ws/turtlebot_rl/scripts
, then$ python crib_nav_qtable.py
to start Q learning.
You can substitute
to start Q-net learning.
This repo was created to test the contents in this openai_ros's tutorial.
However, may be different configurations were implemented, I made following changes to realize my turtlebot bumping around in the maze.
- In original tutorial, they must have a hokuyo lidar included in their simulation,
but using their launch file would not bringup anything related to laser scan.
So I have to copy the
fake laser
part inturtlebot_gazebo
's launch file. Besides, the original tutorial was using the topic of/kobuki/laser/scan
to publish laser's data, hence I have to remapscan
in my launch file. - In original tutorial, they use topic of
to publish command to control the turtlebot. However, I found my turtlebot use topic of/mobile_base/commands/velocity
to publish commands. So, I have to edit~/ros_ws/src/openai_ros/src/openai_ros/robot_envs/turtlebot2_env.py
I don't understand why I cannot simply use a
in my launch file to fix it. Anyway, you'll find the topic around "line 76", just change the publisher's topic from/cmd_vel
. Then you should good to go.