- Review your learning progress on:
- Assess your learning progress to this point in the course.
- Consider resources and strategies that have been most/ least supportive in your learning.
- Create a new RStudio project for this assignment. Title it "self_assessment_4".
- Create a new Quarto document. Title it "Self-assessment #4" and provide add your name as the author.
- Delete all the material below the front matter.
At this point in the course take stake of what you have learned so far. This is a chance for you to reflect on the content you have learned and the process of learning itself. You may use this space as you wish.
You may, however, consider the following questions as part of your response:
- What did you learn?
- What was most/ least challenging?
- What resources did you consult?
- What more would you like to know about?
You may also consider what resources were most/ least beneficial to your learning and what strategies you employed or would like to consider employing to support your learning.
Format your response using Markdown syntax as needed.
- Render your Quarto document
- Push your repository to GitHub
- Submit the URL or PDF of your rendered document to the corresponding assignment on Canvas.