A sample flow chart:
graph TD;
A[State]-->B[ML Module];
B -->|Action Params| C(Mapping);
C -->|Action| F[Environment];
F --> D[State];
F -->E[Reward];
- State:
$X_t = (O_t, H_t, C_t, L_t, V_t)$ , each one is with close price from day t-20 to day t.- Stating from all close price first, adding more later.
- Action:
- Feasible action: (1, 0, -1) for (buy, hold, sell). Each time buy/sell a prefixed amount N(subject to change).
- But our
$\pi_\theta$ is not a function to decide the action. Instead, that function is going to decide a parameter$\theta_{opt}$ . We use another mapping function to decide the final action. - Or maybe, the mapping function should be another ML module.
- Reward:
- Change of portfolio value (subject to change)
- The ML Module in this experiment is a LSTM. (From Kelly(...), LSTM works better for low-frequency)
- Parameter(s) realted:
- Continuous / discrete? May need some extra function for mapping / ...
- Experiment Benchmark: Compare the parameter selection by RL with ... method?