Squircle IDE is a fast and free multi-language code editor for Android.
The editorkit
module provides code editor without any support for programming languages.
Add this to your module's build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:editorkit:2.0.0'
The editorkit
module does not provide support for syntax highlighting, you need to add specific language dependency.
You can see list of available languages here.
First, you need to add TextProcessor
in your layout:
android:id="@+id/editor" />
Second, you need to provide a Language
object to support syntax highlighting by using following code:
val editor = findViewById<TextProcessor>(R.id.editor)
editor.language = JavaScriptLanguage() // or any other language you want
Third, you need to call setTextContent
to set the text. Avoid using the default setText
editor.setTextContent("your code here")
Also you might want to use setTextContent(PrecomputedTextCompat)
if you're working with large text files.
Finally, after you set the text you need to clear undo/redo history because you don't want to keep the change history of other files.
import com.blacksquircle.ui.editorkit.utils.UndoStack
editor.undoStack = UndoStack()
editor.redoStack = UndoStack()
Now you can begin using the code editor.
You can change the default code editor's behavior by passing the EditorConfig
object to it:
editor.editorConfig = EditorConfig(
fontSize = 14f, // text size, including the line numbers
fontType = Typeface.MONOSPACE, // typeface, including the line numbers
wordWrap = true, // whether the word wrap enabled
codeCompletion = true, // whether the code suggestions will shown
pinchZoom = true, // whether the zoom gesture enabled
lineNumbers = true, // line numbers visibility
highlightCurrentLine = true, // whether the current line will be highlighted
highlightDelimiters = true, // highlight open/closed brackets beside the cursor
softKeyboard = false, // whether the fullscreen editing keyboard will shown
autoIndentation = true, // whether the auto indentation enabled
autoCloseBrackets = true, // automatically close open parenthesis/bracket/brace
autoCloseQuotes = true, // automatically close single/double quote when typing
useSpacesInsteadOfTabs = true, // insert spaces instead of tabs when using auto-indentation
tabWidth = 4 // the tab width, works together with `useSpacesInsteadOfTabs`
To attach the text scroller you need to add TextScroller
in your layout:
app:thumbTint="@color/blue" />
Now you need to pass a reference to a view inside attachTo
val editor = findViewById<TextProcessor>(R.id.editor)
val scroller = findViewById<TextScroller>(R.id.scroller)
When you working with a code editor you want to see the list of code suggestion. (Note that you have to provide a Language
object before start using it.)
First, you need to create a layout file that will represent the suggestion item inside dropdown menu:
<!-- item_suggestion.xml -->
<TextView xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:id="@+id/title" />
Second, you need to create custom SuggestionAdapter
class AutoCompleteAdapter(context: Context) : SuggestionAdapter(context, R.layout.item_suggestion) {
override fun createViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup): SuggestionViewHolder {
val inflater = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
val view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.item_suggestion, parent, false)
return AutoCompleteViewHolder(view)
class AutoCompleteViewHolder(itemView: View) : SuggestionViewHolder(itemView) {
private val title: TextView = itemView.findViewById(R.id.title)
override fun bind(suggestion: Suggestion?, query: String) {
title.text = suggestion?.text
...and pass it to your code editor:
editor.suggestionAdapter = AutoCompleteAdapter(this)
You can enable/disable suggestions dynamically by changing the codeCompletion
parameter in EditorConfig.
UPD: If you having an issues with the popup position (e.g vertical offset), this might be solved by explicitly setting android:dropDownAnchor in XML.
The TextProcessor
supports undo/redo operations, but remember that you must check the ability to undo/redo before calling actual methods:
// Undo
if (editor.canUndo()) {
// Redo
if (editor.canRedo()) {
Also you may have a use case when you want to update undo/redo buttons visibility or other UI after the text replacements is done, this can be achieved by adding OnUndoRedoChangedListener
editor.onUndoRedoChangedListener = object : OnUndoRedoChangedListener {
override fun onUndoRedoChanged() {
val canUndo = editor.canUndo()
val canRedo = editor.canRedo()
// ...
You can use these helper methods to navigate in text:
...or use «Go to Line» feature to place the caret at the specific line:
import com.blacksquircle.ui.editorkit.exception.LineException
try {
} catch (e: LineException) {
Toast.makeText(this, "Line does not exists", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
The TextProcessor
has built-in support for search and replace operations, including:
- Search forward or backward
- Regular Expressions
- Match Case
- Words Only
The class itself contains self-explanatory methods for all your searching needs:
find(searchString, findParams)
- Find all possible results in text with provided options.replaceFindResult(replaceText)
- Finds current match and replaces it with new text.replaceAllFindResults(replaceText)
- Finds all matches and replaces them with the new text.findNext()
- Finds the next match and scrolls to it.findPrevious()
- Finds the previous match and scrolls to it.clearFindResultSpans()
- Clears all find spans on the screen. Call this method when you're done searching.
import com.blacksquircle.ui.editorkit.model.FindParams
val findParams = FindParams(
regex = false, // whether the regex will be used
matchCase = true, // case sensitive
wordsOnly = true // words only
editor.find("function", findParams)
// To navigate between results use findNext() and findPrevious()
If you're using bluetooth keyboard you probably want to use keyboard shortcuts to write your code faster. To support the keyboard shortcuts you need to add OnShortcutListener
editor.onShortcutListener = object : OnShortcutListener {
override fun onShortcut(shortcut: Shortcut): Boolean {
val (ctrl, shift, alt, keyCode) = shortcut
return when {
ctrl && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT -> editor.moveCaretToStartOfLine()
ctrl && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT -> editor.moveCaretToEndOfLine()
alt && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT -> editor.moveCaretToPrevWord()
alt && keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT -> editor.moveCaretToNextWord()
// ...
else -> false
The onShortcut
method will be invoked only if at least one of following keys is pressed: ctrl, shift, alt.
You might already noticed that you have to return a Boolean
value as the result of onShortcut
Return true
if the listener has consumed the shortcut event, false
The editorkit
module includes some default themes in the EditorTheme
editor.colorScheme = EditorTheme.DARCULA // default
// or you can use one of these:
You can also write your own theme by changing the ColorScheme
properties. The example below shows how you can programmatically load the color scheme:
editor.colorScheme = ColorScheme(
textColor = Color.parseColor("#C8C8C8"),
backgroundColor = Color.parseColor("#232323"),
gutterColor = Color.parseColor("#2C2C2C"),
gutterDividerColor = Color.parseColor("#555555"),
gutterCurrentLineNumberColor = Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF"),
gutterTextColor = Color.parseColor("#C6C8C6"),
selectedLineColor = Color.parseColor("#141414"),
selectionColor = Color.parseColor("#454464"),
suggestionQueryColor = Color.parseColor("#4F98F7"),
findResultBackgroundColor = Color.parseColor("#1C3D6B"),
delimiterBackgroundColor = Color.parseColor("#616161"),
syntaxScheme = SyntaxScheme(
numberColor = Color.parseColor("#BACDAB"),
operatorColor = Color.parseColor("#DCDCDC"),
keywordColor = Color.parseColor("#669BD1"),
typeColor = Color.parseColor("#669BD1"),
langConstColor = Color.parseColor("#669BD1"),
preprocessorColor = Color.parseColor("#C49594"),
variableColor = Color.parseColor("#9DDDFF"),
methodColor = Color.parseColor("#71C6B1"),
stringColor = Color.parseColor("#CE9F89"),
commentColor = Color.parseColor("#6BA455"),
tagColor = Color.parseColor("#DCDCDC"),
tagNameColor = Color.parseColor("#669BD1"),
attrNameColor = Color.parseColor("#C8C8C8"),
attrValueColor = Color.parseColor("#CE9F89"),
entityRefColor = Color.parseColor("#BACDAB")
The language modules provides support for programming languages. This includes syntax highlighting, code suggestions and source code parser.
(Note that source code parser currently works only in language-javascript
module, but it will be implemented for more languages soon)
Select your language and add it's dependency to your module's build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-actionscript:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-base:2.0.0' // for custom language
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-c:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-cpp:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-csharp:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-groovy:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-html:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-java:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-javascript:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-json:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-kotlin:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-lisp:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-lua:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-markdown:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-php:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-plaintext:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-python:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-shell:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-sql:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-typescript:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-visualbasic:2.0.0'
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-xml:2.0.0'
First, add this to your module's build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.blacksquircle.ui:language-base:2.0.0'
Second, implement the Language
import com.blacksquircle.ui.language.base.Language
import com.blacksquircle.ui.language.base.parser.LanguageParser
import com.blacksquircle.ui.language.base.provider.SuggestionProvider
import com.blacksquircle.ui.language.base.styler.LanguageStyler
class CustomLanguage : Language {
override fun getName(): String {
return "custom language"
override fun getParser(): LanguageParser {
return CustomParser()
override fun getProvider(): SuggestionProvider {
return CustomProvider()
override fun getStyler(): LanguageStyler {
return CustomStyler()
Every language consist of 3 key components:
- LanguageParser is responsible for analyzing the source code. The code editor does not use this component directly.
- SuggestionProvider is responsible for collecting the names of functions, fields, and keywords within your file scope. The code editor use this component to display the list of code suggestions.
- LanguageStyler is responsible for syntax highlighting. The code editor use this component to display all spans on the screen.
is an interface which detects syntax errors so you can display them in the TextProcessor
To create a custom parser you need to implement execute
method that will return a ParseResult
If ParseResult
contains an exception it means that the source code can't compile and contains syntax errors. You can highlight an error line by calling editor.setErrorLine(lineNumber)
Remember that you shouldn't use this method on the main thread.
class CustomParser : LanguageParser {
override fun execute(name: String, source: String): ParseResult {
// TODO Implement parser
val lineNumber = 0
val columnNumber = 0
val parseException = ParseException("describe exception here", lineNumber, columnNumber)
return ParseResult(parseException)
is an interface which provides code suggestions to display them in the TextProcessor
The text scanning is done on a per-line basis. When the user edits code on a single line, that line is re-scanned by the current SuggestionsProvider
implementation, so you can keep your suggestions list up to date.
This is done by calling the processLine
method. This method is responsible for parsing a line of text and saving the code suggestions for that line.
After calling setTextContent
the code editor will call processLine
for each line to find all possible code suggestions.
class CustomProvider : SuggestionProvider {
// You can use WordsManager
// if you don't want to write the language-specific implementation
private val wordsManager = WordsManager()
override fun getAll(): Set<Suggestion> {
return wordsManager.getWords()
override fun processLine(lineNumber: Int, text: String) {
wordsManager.processLine(lineNumber, text)
override fun deleteLine(lineNumber: Int) {
override fun clearLines() {
is an interface which provides syntax highlight spans to display them in the TextProcessor
The execute
method will be executed on the main thread. That means the UI blocks during the execution and no interaction is possible for this period. The code editor never use this method directly.
The enqueue
method it's just asynchronous version of execute
that will be called every time the text changes.
You can use regex or lexer in the execute
method to match all the spans in text.
Remember: the more spans you add, the more time it takes to render on the main thread.
class CustomStyler : LanguageStyler {
private var task: StylingTask? = null
override fun execute(sourceCode: String, syntaxScheme: SyntaxScheme): List<SyntaxHighlightSpan> {
val syntaxHighlightSpans = mutableListOf<SyntaxHighlightSpan>()
// TODO Implement syntax highlighting
return syntaxHighlightSpans
// StylingResult it's just a callback (List<SyntaxHighlightSpan>) -> Unit
override fun enqueue(sourceCode: String, syntaxScheme: SyntaxScheme, stylingResult: StylingResult) {
task = StylingTask(
doAsync = { execute(sourceCode, syntaxScheme) },
onSuccess = stylingResult
override fun cancel() {
task = null