This plugin use the paste mode and set options to make copy and paste in Vim comfortable.
PasteMode.vim add these three commands:
Here is the list of actions made by PasteMode:
- Enable line wrapping to allow the copy of long lines
- Hide the cursor line and the color column
- Disable Vim list
- Hide line numbers
- Disable GitGutter and Syntastic
You can use your Vim plugin manager to load the plugin. With Vundle, you've just to add this line:
Plugin 'lightcode/PasteMode.vim'
You can manually use the three command shown above. You can also add few more line in your
to make your life easier:
augroup PasteMode
autocmd BufLeave * :PasteModeDisable!
autocmd InsertLeave * :PasteModeDisable!
augroup END
nnoremap <silent> <C-k><C-p> :PasteModeToggle<cr>
inoremap <C-k><C-p> <C-O>:PasteModeToggle<cr>
The first part disable PasteMode when you leave the buffer or leave insert mode. The second part add a key binding to toggle PasteMode with Ctrl + K + Ctrl + P in both normal and insert mode.