This is a collections of tools used to upload data into DataSHIELD backends. It aids data mangers in the initial stages of uploading data to DataSHIELD backends.
Please check uploading to DataSHIELD guide
For detailled function descrptions, please check: references and above.
Please check the troubleshooting guide.
Please check: adding new variables
Version 5.x.x is compatible with Armadillo 3. You should be able to install dsUpload without specifying any additional versions. To install dsUpload, you have to install devtools first:
Then you will be able to install the newest version of dsUpload:
Version 4.7.x is compatible with Armadillo 2. When installing this version of dsUpload, the install.packages
command might install the newest version (incompatible) of MolgenisArmadillo
Run these commands (Rstudio) to install the correct version of MolgenisArmadillo:
Install devtools:
Load devtools and install ds-upload 4.7.1
You might get the following error message:
namespace ‘MolgenisArmadillo’ 2.0.0 is being loaded, but == 1.1.3 is required
To fix this you need to remove the incompatible version of MolgenisArmadillo
You might have to install these additional packages:
install.packages(c("aws.iam", "aws.s3"))
Next we install a previous version of MolgenisArmadillo
packageurl <- ""
install.packages(packageurl, repos=NULL, type="source")
Now we (again) install dsUpload 4.7.1:
Make sure you do NOT update MolgenisArmadillo to another version then 1.1.3, if prompted, select option 3
Downloading GitHub repo lifecycle-project/ds-upload@4.7.1
These packages have more recent versions available.
It is recommended to update all of them.
Which would you like to update?
1: All
2: CRAN packages only
3: None
4: MolgenisA... (1.1.3 -> 2.0.0) [CRAN]
Enter one or more numbers, or an empty line to skip updates: 3
After that you should be able to load dsUpload
without any problems.
If you are asked to update MolgenisArmadillo
to version 2.0.x please skip,
this in order for dsUpload 4.7.x to work with Armadillo 2.