- Python 3.6.5
- numba 0.53.1
- numpy 1.18.5
- pandas 1.0.5
- scikit-learn 0.23.1
- tensorflow-gpu 1.13.1
- tqdm 4.46.1
- scipy 1.5.0
- deepctr 0.8.6
- gensim 3.8
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt, python package requirements
├── init.sh, script for installing package requirements
├── train.sh, script for preparing train/inference data and training models, including pretrained models
├── inference.sh, main function for inference on test dataset
├── src
│ ├── prepare, codes for preparing train/inference dataset
| ├──get_features.py
│ ├── model, codes for model architecture
| ├──mmoe.py
| ├── train, codes for training
| ├──run_submit.py
| ├── evaluation.py, main function for evaluation
| ├── inference.py
| ├── inference1.py
├── data
│ ├── wedata
| ├──wechat_algo_data1, dataset of the competition
| ├──wechat_algo_data2, dataset of the competition
| ├── submission, prediction result after running inference.sh
| ├── model, model files
| ├── feature, feature files
- 进入目录:cd /home/tione/notebook/wbdc2021-semi
- 安装环境:使用 conda_tensorflow_py3虚拟环境 运行sh init.sh
- 数据准备和模型训练:sh train.sh
- 预测并生成结果文件:sh inference.sh /home/tione/notebook/wbdc2021-semi/data/wedata/wechat_algo_data2/test_b.csv
- 模型:MMOE
- 参数:
- batch_size: 4092
- emded_dim: 512
- num_epochs: 5
- learning_rate: 0.01
- 特征:
- userid, feedid, authorid, bgm_singer_id, bgm_song_id等id类特征
- keyword、tag标签特征
- 视频类别、作者类别
- userid序列embedding
- feed聚类、author聚类、user聚类
- 资源配置:2*P40_48G显存_14核CPU_112G内存
- 预测耗时
- 总预测时长: 1791 s
- 单个目标行为2000条样本的平均预测时长: 120.344 ms
路径 | 行数 | 内容 |
src/inference.py | 82 - 96 | pred_ans = train_model.predict(test_model_input, batch_size=batch_size * 100) |
src/inference1.py | 93 - 108 | pred_ans = train_model.predict(test_model_input, batch_size=batch_size * 100) |
- Ma J, Zhao Z, Yi X, et al. Modeling task relationships in multi-task learning with multi-gate mixture-of-experts[C]//Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. 2018: 1930-1939.
- Weichen Shen. (2017). DeepCTR: Easy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep-learning based CTR models. https://github.com/shenweichen/deepctr.