git clone
cd ./primo-explore-devenv/primo-explore
rm -Rf custom
git clone ./custom
cd custom
git submodule update --init
gulp run --view 41ZBL --browserify --proxy
or for the development environment
gulp run --view 41ZBL --browserify --proxy
- general/links: helper component to create links
- general/locationLinks: location links component contains links to libraries, p-help, closures
- prmBriefResultAfter/altmetric: displays altmetric widget in brief and full display
- prmFacetAfter/searchAlso: injects search also data into the facet component
- prmFacetExactAfter/searchAlsoBody: renders search also data in the facets
- prmSearchResultThumbnailContainerAfter/pnx-xml: creates a hotspot in the bottom right corner. When clicked adds a xml and pnx button to every loaded record. Makes use of jQuery.PRIMO.jar available in the August release. People with access to their environment can upgrade today.
- prmViewOnlineAfter/sfxLinks: lookup and show sfx links
- prmSearchBarAfter/browseButton: adds a browse button under the advanced search External widgets:
- Google analytics