This demonstration Android app was written as part of the Northcoders Java Software Development bootcamp.
The purpose of this challenge was to demonstrate the development of an Android app that provided a user with a graphical user interface to interact with the backend API (acting as the database) for an imaginary record shop. The high-level requirements of the API were to allow a user to:
- Store information about the records they have in stock
- Query this data in various ways
- Update it accordingly
This front-end development aimed to implement the following techniques and principles:
- Two-way data binding in Android to update underlying data from user input in the user interface
- RecyclerView class in Android with a custom AdapterView
- Model–View–ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern with Retrofit to call the back-end API
- SearchView widget in Android to permit filtering within the RecyclerView
- List all albums in stock
- Add new albums into the back-end database
- Update album details
- Delete albums from the back-end database
- Search for albums by any combination of album name, artist or release year
- Java 21
- Gradle
- Android Studio
- Record Shop backend API
Clone the repository
git clone
Open the project in Android Studio
Ensure that the back-end API is running locally
Run the application using Android Studio device emulation
The initial view is a RecyclerView with a SearchView widget. This view displays the current albums in stock.
To add an album tap the plus icon (floating action button) next to the subheading 'Current albums in stock'.
A second view appears with fields in which to enter the details of a new album.
Tap save icon (floating action button) when done to save the new album to the back-end database.
To amend an album tap the album listed in the RecyclerView.
A second view appears, the same as when adding a new album, in which the album details can be amended.
Tap save icon (floating action button) when done to save the changes to the back-end database.
To delete an album from the back-end database, tap the album listed in the RecyclerView.
Tap the delete icon (floating action button) to remove the album from the back-end database.
Search terms can be entered into the SearchView widget that will filter the albums based on
any combination of album name, artist or release year