This web scraper is tailored for The main goal is to collect user-generated online text reviews as well as relevant movie features for future research purposes. Here I list all the variables that will be gathered.
Note: IMDB does offer public datasets:
- imdbID : the IMDB ID of the movie title
- totalNumReviews : total number of reviews of the movie title
- userID : the IMDB ID of the user who posted the review
- spoilerWarning : equals to 1 if the review is marked with "Warning: Spoilers"
- reviewTitles : the title of the review
- usefulNum : the number of users who found the review helpful
- usefulTotal : the number of users who voted
- reviewDates : the date when the review was posted
- userReviews : the text content of the review
- userRates : the rating given along with the review, a numerical value between 0 and 10
The final results in dataframe format should look like the following:
imdbID, runtimeMin, mpaa, genre, releaseDates, ratings, numVotes, plots, directors, writers, stars, metascore, numReviews, numCritics, country, language, budget, openingWeekend, color