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Sending AWS billing reports to email

This reposiory contains code necessary process AWS billing reports and send result to email addresses. Solution consists of the following pieces:

  1. AWS Elastic CS Fargate task that runs two Docker containers regularly using CloudWatch cron task.
  2. First container is simple MySQL database
  3. Second one is bash script that loads billing report CSV file from S3 bucket, uploads it into MySQL, performs some queries and emails the result through AWS Simple Email Service (SES).

Terraform code contains IAM Role, ECS cluster, task definition and CloudWatch cron task. Terraform code is done as single TF module (./tfmodules/billingreport/).

Docker folder contains:

  1. schema.sql - this is SQL schema derived from billing report CSV file.
  2. queries.sql - these are SQL queries that generate the resulting report.
  3. - this is a script that runs everything inside Docker container.

In order to create report:

  1. Create Docker image from docker folder and upload it to registry (preferrably ECR).
  2. Examine and create terraform.tfvars file with necessary variables.
  3. Run terraform.

Interpreting reports

It might be sometimes tricky to interpret lines containing aws:createdBy like this:


This means that resource was created by IAM role, not by user. Here AROAQGSSLZ6T6YAXNSK42 is Role ID and 02499d1b0555498d9 is ID of EC2 instance that assumed that role. We can find information about role like this:

$ aws iam list-roles --output text | grep AROAQGSSLZ6T6YAXNSK42
ROLES	arn:aws:iam::014131384231:role/ocp4-lgm58-master-role	2019-04-23T11:54:56Z		3600	/	AROAQGSSLZ6T6YAXNSK42	ocp4-lgm58-master-role

You can find information about EC2 instance like that:

$ aws ec2 describe-instances --filters Name=instance-id,Values=i-02499d1b0555498d9


Sending AWS billing reports to email






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