A set of playbooks to demo Ansible for AWS. The demo app uses AWS Lambda and DynamoDB.
This demo utilizes Ansible to deploy from zero to all-running state an application in AWS.
Main development is doing in the @common-devel branch.
There are two directories on top:
- includes ansible playbooks and configuration for deployment of infrademoapp
- includes source code and playbooks to deploy frontend and backend of app.
Go to /demo_1
directory. There is a bunch of task files named as task_install-*
and task_uninstall-*
. Every of them does only a small part of the whole job. These task files are not playbooks and cannot be run separately. (See install.yml
for this).
There is a config file vars_aws-vpc.yml
which describes the configuration of an infrastrcture for orchestrating.
There is a playbook install.yml
which should be run to install and uninstall infra, and, also to install and uninstall the demo application.
To run this playbook you need to provde aws_secret_key
and aws_access_key
environment variables. Or they being searched in the file ~/.aws/credentials
The playbook can be run by following ways:
install infra:
ansible-playbook install.yml -e do=install -e scope=infra
install demo app:
ansible-playbook install.yml -e do=install -e scope=app
uninstall infra:
ansible-playbook install.yml -e do=uninstall -e scope=infra
uninstall demo app:
ansible-playbook install.yml -e do=uninstall -e scope=app
additionally, you can get credentials to access the deployed infrastructure:
ansible-playbook install.yml -e do=install -e scope=infra -t summary
In case if during process do=install
an error happens, the playbook automatically runs do=uninstall
Note: So far the demo app can be deployed without provisioning an infrastructure. Up now it has only backend component implemented which works entirely on AWS Lambda functions and AWS DynamoDB.
There is a two-step process to get all run.
- deployment of instrastructure
- intalling the demo application
Implemented on AWS Lambda functions, persistent data is stored in AWS DynamoDB.
So far frontend is not ready yet.