Spark and Kafka in Docker Cluster
Run a Kafka and Spark on a Mac or Windows workstation or laptop.
The Spark cluster build is based on the following article: written by @dekoperez and then extended to include Spark Streaming with PySpark compatibility and PySpark UDF execution on the worker nodes. The build has also been updated to include a working Spark history service. The Python packages numpy, pandas and matplotlib have been added to the JupyterLab docker file - this increases the size of the image.
A two-node cluster and a spark master are built as Docker images along with a separate JupyterLab environment. Each runs in a separate container and shares a network and shared file-system.
Spark and Hadoop Configuration and Release Information Spark Version 2.4.5, Hadoop version is 2.7, Python version 3.7.3.
Apache Spark is running in Standalone Mode and controls its own master and worker nodes instead of Yarn managing them.
Apache Spark with Apache Hadoop support is used to allow the cluster to simulate HDFS distributed filesystem using the shared volume shared-workspace.
Ensure that the Docker environment has enough memory allocated:
Configure a minimum of 4GB in Docker Resources, ideally 8GB Build the images with
Create the Docker volumes before starting services:
docker volume create --name=hadoop-distributed-file-system
Start the cluster with
docker-compose up -d
Access to start Spark notebooks Access to start Pandas notebooks I've created POSTGRES database. Here is the information of database