##What is it?
I've created this Starterkit to speed up my work and I hope this will boost your projects too!
My Starterkit uses a lot of tools:
- ExpressJS (Server framework)
- Jade (Templating engine)
- MongoDB (Database system)
- PassportJS (Auth & accounts management)
- LivereloadJS (AutoWatch & Reload your browser)
- Bcrypt (Encryption system)
- AngularJS & dependencies (ngRoute, ngResource, ngAnimate, ngCookies, ngSanitize)
- SASS (Easy styles)
- Foundation 5 (Best front-end framework ever!)
- Bourbon (Grid & styles framework)
- Animate.css (Easy & fast CSS animations)
- Font Awesome (Best custom font)
- Roboto & OpenSans Google Web Fonts
- Grunt (Auto Watch, compile & minifie your stylesheets)
##Quick start
#####Create and work on your new project in 5 steps
Download the starterkit
> git clone https://github.com/digitalz4k/dz-starterkit.git starterkit
Go to the install directory
> cd starterkit
Install NPM dependencies & assets packages
> npm install
Create styles assets and watch command
> grunt
open new terminal
> npm start
Run your browser to 'http://localhost:3000/'