A server-side CS2 plugin powered by CounterStrikeSharp that allows player to share their knife with others.
Install CounterStrikeSharp first (Installation Guide). Extract the files downloaded from Release to the game/csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/CS2DropKnife folder.
As long as you have a knife equipped, type "!drop" or "!takeknife" in the chat box and you should see 5 of your knives dropped on the ground.
Note: Every player is allowed to drop knives only once in each round.
For most of the cases, I would recommand to use the version without chat filtering. You can bind css_drop or css_takeknife to your prefered key to achieve the effect of one-key-drop-knife.
To support some drop key-bind (commands "say !drop" or "say_team !drop" issued from the game console or via a key-bind), A version with chat filtering support is provided. This version filters all chat messages to manually call the drop knife function for you. However this might also cause performance downgrade and make the server laggy.
Version 1.0 has no regulations. You can drop whenever you want.
Version 2.0 allows each player to only drop once in a round.
Version 3.0 only allows knife dropping in freeze time (before round actually starts) and the knife will be sent directly to teammates.