- In-memory tree manager (tree-as-a-service)
- Supports multiple trees
- Supports standard CRUD operations as well as more complex tree operations (moving/duplicating directories, etc.)
- Uses materialised path for faster lookups
- Runs as a dockerised service with a basic API
- Can run in managed mode (node IDs are provided by the caller) or unmanaged mode (node IDs are auto-generated)
- Tree structure is similar to doubly-linked lists, which allows us to use one level for all nodes (fast lookups!)
- Uses a state machine to keep track of all operations, and can roll-back and re-apply changes
- Program init loads tree from disk (mounted as a volume, see docker-compose.yml)
- Tree is stored in memory which allows fast operations
- Internal cron saves tree to disk every N minutes (host machine should use log rotate to keep backups)
- Exposes an API to make tree changes and persist the database on-demand
- We use event sourcing (with client UTC timestamps) to rollback, and apply prior actions that were received later
- Client must send timestamps for this to work, otherwise it assumes all operations were done in the order they were received
- Clone this repository
- Make sure you have Docker (and docker-compose) installed
- Copy config.ini.dist (cp config.ini.dist config.ini)
- Fill in the location of the files you will mount (e.g. 'datafile' and 'log')
- Make sure docker-compose.yml mounts the three files as volumes (config, datafile and log)
- Run this to start in local debugging mode: ./restart-dev.sh (will create datafile and log the first run)
- On production, touch the 'log' and 'datafile' files and run: ./restart.sh
- Get the hash of the container (docker ps -a)
- Run: docker exec -it {hash} bash
- Run: cd /app && python app/test.py
- See Github Issues for a list of pending operations, tests, and other todos
- {tree_id: {segment_id: {node_id: (parent_node_id, type, payload (e.g. fileId), sort, [children_node_ids])}}}
- "sort" will be removed in the near future
"id": node_id (or root node_id),
"type": type,
"data": payload_link_id,
"sort": 1,
"children": [
"id": node_id,
"type": type,
- These allow us to host multiple trees under one roof
- Imagine you have an application for multiple users, and each user can have multiple hierarchical structures
- The tree_id might be the user_id (or client_id) from your parent application
- The segment_id would be each tree container for the user, so the user could have multiple trees
- Imagine you are building a Dropbox clone, where users can have multiple directories in different parts of the FS
- In that case, tree_id would be the user's ID, and each independent "dropbox" would be a different segment_id
- Inside the segment you will have a full tree structure
- curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree -d '{"tree_id": 1}'
- curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree/1/segment -d '{"segment_id": 1, "root_node_id": 1}'
- If you are running in unmanaged mode, you don't have to supply segment_id nor root_node_id (result = ID)
- Don't forget to use application/json for those calls! (-H "Content-Type: application/json")
- Now you can start adding nodes (see sample operations below)
- root
- dir
- asset|file|anything
- restart.sh runs the service in the background, uses tornado (allows concurrent requests), and logs errors only
- restart-dev.sh runs in the foreground, logs all debug/info messages as well, and uses flask (for simplicity)
- Clear the tree: curl -X POST localhost:8080/clear -H "Content-Type: application/json"
- Persist the tree to the filesystem: curl -X POST localhost:8080/persist
- Create a tree: curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"tree_id": 1}'
- Delete a tree: curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/tree -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"tree_id": 1}'
- Get a list of trees: curl -X GET localhost:8080/trees
- Get a list of segments for a tree: curl "localhost:8080/tree/{ID}/segments"
- Create a segment: curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree/{ID}/segment -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"segment_id": 1, "root_node_id": 1}'
- Delete a segment: curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/tree/{ID}/segment/{ID}
- Get the root node of a segment: curl "localhost:8080/tree/{ID}/segment/{ID}/root"
- Duplicate a whole segment: (TODO)
- Get a level: curl -X GET localhost:8080/tree/{ID}/segment/{ID}/level/{PARENT_NODE_ID}
- Whole tree: curl -X GET localhost:8080/tree (TODO)
- Create a directory: curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree/{ID}/segment/{ID}/directory -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"parent_node_id": 1, "node_id": 1, "position": 5}'
- Position is optional, if omitted it will be added at the end
- Delete a directory: curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/tree/{ID}/segment/{ID}/directory/{ID}
- Duplicate a directory: (TODO)
- Move a directory: (TODO)
- Create a node: curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree/{ID}/segment/{ID}/node -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"parent_node_id": 1, "node_id": 1, "position": 5, "payload": "lol", "type": "asset"}'
- Position is optional, if omitted it will be added at the end
- Delete a node: curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/tree/{ID}/segment/{ID}/node/{ID}
- Move a node: (TODO)
- Add a whole level of nodes: (TODO)
- curl -X GET localhost:8080/trees
- curl -X POST localhost:8080/clear -H "Content-Type: application/json"
- curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"tree_id": 1}'
- curl localhost:8080/trees
- curl localhost:8080/tree/1/segments
- curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree/1/segment -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"segment_id": 1, "root_node_id": 1}'
- curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree/1/segment -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"segment_id": 2, "root_node_id": 1}'
- curl localhost:8080/tree/1/segments
- curl -X DELETE localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/2
- curl localhost:8080/tree/1/segments
- curl -X GET localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/1/level/1
- curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/1/directory -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"parent_node_id": 1, "node_id": 1, "position": 5}'
- curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/1/directory -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"parent_node_id": 1, "node_id": 2, "position": 5}'
- curl -X GET localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/1/level/1
- curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/1/node -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"parent_node_id": 1, "node_id": 3, "payload": "lol", "type": "asset"}'
- curl -X GET localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/1/level/1
- curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/1/node -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"parent_node_id": 1, "node_id": 4, "position": 2, "payload": "after!", "type": "asset"}'
- curl -X GET localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/1/level/1
- curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/1/node -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"parent_node_id": 1, "node_id": 5, "position": 2, "payload": "before?", "type": "asset"}'
- curl -X GET localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/1/level/1
- curl -X POST localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/1/node -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"parent_node_id": 2, "node_id": 100, "position": 2, "payload": "inside", "type": "asset"}'
- curl -X GET localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/1/level/1
- curl -X GET localhost:8080/tree/1/segment/1/level/2