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Markdown Support for Visual Studio Code

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All you need for Markdown (keyboard shortcuts, table of contents, auto preview and more).


  • Keyboard shortcuts (toggle bold, italic, code span, strikethrough and heading)
    • Tip: **word|** -> **word**| (Ctrl + B)
    • If there is no text selected, the word under cursor will be styled (or the entire list item if you are toggling strikethrough)
  • Table of contents (No additional annoying tags like <!-- TOC -->)
    • To make TOC compatible with GitHub, you need to set option githubCompatibility to true
    • Use <!-- omit in toc --> to ignore specific heading in TOC
  • Outline view in explorer panel
  • Automatically show preview when opening a Markdown file (Disabled by default)
  • Print Markdown to HTML
    • It's recommended to print the exported HTML to PDF with browser (e.g. Chrome) if you want to share your documents with others
  • List editing (continue list when pressing Enter at the end of a list item) (also works for quote block)
    • Pressing Tab at the beginning of a list item will indent it
    • Pressing Backspace at the beginning of a list item will unindent it (or delete the list marker)
    • Blank list item will be remove on Enter
    • Ordered list markers will be automatically fixed after you indent/outdent a line or move a line up/down
  • GitHub Flavored Markdown
    • Table formatter (Alt + Shift + F)
    • Task list (use Alt + C to check/uncheck a list item)
  • Math rendering (see screenshot below)
  • Auto completions
    • Images paths
    • Math commands
  • Others
    • Override "Open Preview" keybinding with "Toggle Preview", which means you can close preview using the same keybinding (Ctrl + Shift + V or Ctrl + K V).

Keyboard Shortcuts



Table of Contents


List Editing

list editing

Table Formatter

table formatter



Task Lists

task lists

Math Rendering

math rendering


Key Command
Ctrl + B Toggle bold
Ctrl + I Toggle italic
Alt + S Toggle strikethrough
Ctrl + Shift + ] Toggle heading (uplevel)
Ctrl + Shift + [ Toggle heading (downlevel)
Ctrl + M Toggle math environment
Alt + C Check/Uncheck task list item

Available Commands

  • Markdown: Create Table of Contents
  • Markdown: Update Table of Contents
  • Markdown: Toggle code span
  • Markdown: Print current document to HTML

Supported Settings

Name Default Description
markdown.extension.toc.levels 1..6 Control the heading levels to show in the table of contents.
markdown.extension.toc.unorderedList.marker - Use -, * or + in the table of contents (for unordered list)
markdown.extension.toc.orderedList false Use ordered list in the table of contents.
markdown.extension.toc.plaintext false Just plain text.
markdown.extension.toc.updateOnSave true Automatically update the table of contents on save.
markdown.extension.toc.githubCompatibility false GitHub compatibility
markdown.extension.preview.autoShowPreviewToSide false Automatically show preview when opening a Markdown file.
markdown.extension.orderedList.marker ordered Or one: always use 1. as ordered list marker
markdown.extension.italic.indicator * Use * or _ to wrap italic text
markdown.extension.showExplorer true Show outline view in explorer panel
markdown.extension.print.absoluteImgPath true Convert image path to absolute path
markdown.extension.print.imgToBase64 false Convert images to base64 when printing to HTML


See CHANGELOG for more information.

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Bugs, feature requests and more, in GitHub Issues.

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  • TypeScript 88.9%
  • CSS 11.1%