Release 1.7.0
New in release 1.7.0:
In addition to the method
public func expMod(_ x: BInt, _ m: BInt) -> BInt
there is a new method
public func expMod(_ x: BInt, _ m: Int) -> Int
where the modulus is an 'Int' instead of a 'BInt'
a.expMod(x, 17) is much faster than a.expMod(x, BInt(17))
In addition to the method
public func sqrtMod(_ p: BInt) -> BInt?
there is a new method
public func sqrtMod(_ p: Int) -> Int?
where the prime number is an 'Int' instead of a 'BInt'
a.sqrtMod(17) is much faster than a.sqrtMod(BInt(17))