Aries-vcx is Rust library implementing Aries protocols. It can be used to build Aries agents.
AriesVCX currently requires instance of mediator agency - in
particular NodeVCX Agency.
To get your started with aries-vcx quickly, you can use our deployment at
- libvcx is library, which provides C-interface to interact with AriesVCX. C-bindings exists for:
- Java (+Android)
- iOS,
- NodeJS
The best way to get your hands on.
- Simple Rust Agent
- Simple NodeJS Agent
- Android demo (3rd party demo)
- iOS demo (3rd party demo)
- iOS skeleton project (3rd party demo)
- ✅ Connection Protocol 1.0:*
- ✅ Out of Band 1.0:*
- ✅ Basic Message 1.0:*
- ✅ Credential Issuance 1.0*
- ✅ Credential Presentation 1.0:*
- ✅ Trust Ping 1.0:*
- ✅ Discover Features 1.0:*
- ✅ Revocation notification 2.0:*
- The project currently does not follow semantic versioning. Fow now we are releasing versions
. - Although the API is mostly stable, breaking changes still occur in our releases. See changelogs at releases page.
- See our roadmap for what's coming.
The architecture is evolving - you can compare the diagram below with diagram under roadmap.
Number of artifacts are built for every CI run (unless it's coming from a forked repository due to limitations of Github Actions). Artifacts tied with particular release can be found on release page.
- Alpine based docker image with precompiled
- iOS wrapper
- Android wrapper
- NodeJS wrapper
- NodeJS wrapper is published at npmjs
- NodeJS agent is published at npmjs
- Docker images are in Github Packages
- Mobile artifacts are attached to CI runs (click on particular CI run to see the artifacts)