Because erlyvideo/publisher has not been maintained for too long, so Fork it.
由于 erlyvideo/publisher 太久没有维护,所以 Fork 了一个。
For [erlyvideo/publisher] ( code, i am not familiar; I looked at the code and learned it, hoping to put it into production and have like-minded people working together to improve it.
erl -pa _build/default/lib//*/ebin -pz +K true +A 4 +a 4096 -sasl errlog_type error -s publisher run
This software allows you to:
- capture video from USB/RTSP camera + audio from USB camera/external microphone
- encode it to H.264/AAC
- publish it to streaming server erlyvideo
Clone it, make, edit self-descriptive publisher.conf and use runit folder to start it via "runit" software.
apt-get install build-essential erlang-nox git libasound2-dev libfaac-dev libx264-dev libswscale-dev
git clone git://
cd publisher
make linux
Install then
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd publisher