L1TWAMMBridge (Solidity):
- Facilitates bridging tokens from Ethereum (L1) to StarkNet (L2) for TWAMM orders
- Handles token deposits, withdrawals, and order creation across L1 and L2
L2TWAMMBridge (Cairo):
- Receives messages from L1 and processes deposit and withdrawal operations
- Manages order-related operations through the OrderManagerComponent
TokenBridgeHelper (Cairo):
- Helps to manage the mapping between the L2 token bridges and L1 token addresses
- Handles the execute_deposit and execute_withdrawal functionality
- Contains all the necessary helper functions for order creation and withdrawal
- depositAndCreateOrder: Deposits tokens and creates an order on L2
- initiateWithdrawal: Initiates a withdrawal from L2 to L1
- initiateCancelDepositRequest: Allows users to cancel their deposit requests.
- initiateDepositReclaim: Allows users to reclaim their cancelled deposits after five days
- msg_handler_struct: Processes incoming messages from L1
- handle_deposit: Executes deposit operations
- handle_withdrawal: Executes withdrawal operations
- assert_only_owner: Checks if the caller is the contract owner
- Create an env file in foundry containing your RPC URL as
and your private key asPRIVATE_KEY
- Create a file in the scripts folder and call it
and paste this in it
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import {L1TWAMMBridge} from "../src/L1TWAMMBridge.sol";
contract DeployL1TWAMMBridge is Script {
function run() public returns (L1TWAMMBridge) {
address token = address(0xCa14007Eff0dB1f8135f4C25B34De49AB0d42766);
address starknetBridge = address(0xcE5485Cfb26914C5dcE00B9BAF0580364daFC7a4);
uint256 l2EndpointAddress = <Address of the L2 contract>;
address starknetRegistry = address(0xdc1564B4E0b554b26b2CFd2635B84A0777035d11);
L1TWAMMBridge bridge =
new L1TWAMMBridge(token, starknetBridge, l2EndpointAddress, starknetRegistry);
return bridge;
- Deploy the L1TWAMMBridge contract using the DeployL1TWAMMBridge script. Copy and Paste this in your terminal
forge script --chain sepolia script/DeployL1Bridge.sol:DeployL1TWAMMBridge --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast -vvvv
- Create and set up your starknet account here: https://foundry-rs.github.io/starknet-foundry/starknet/account.html
- To Deploy the L2 TWAMM Contract,
into scripts and run the code below in your teminal
sncast --account <account_name> script run deploy_l2_twamm --url <YOUR_RPC_URL>
- To Deploy the TokenBridgeHelper run the code below in your teminal
sncast --account <account_name> script run deploy_token_bridge_helper --url <YOUR_RPC_URL>
- Set the TokenBridgeHelper address in the L2TWAMMBridge contract, by calling
with the address in starkscan or voyager, or go into theset_l2_token_helper.cairo
file in the scripts folder and pass in the deployed L2 TWAMM contract address, and the TokenBridgeHelper address where necessary, and run the command below
sncast --account <account_name> script run set_l2_token_helper --url <YOUR_RPC_URL>
- To create an order with STRK and USDC as buy and sell tokens, create a file in the scripts folder and call it
and paste this in it.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";
import {OrderParams} from "../src/types/OrderParams.sol";
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import {IStarknetMessaging} from "../src/interfaces/IStarknetMessaging.sol";
import {IL1TWAMMBridge} from "../src/interfaces/IL1TWAMMBridge.sol";
contract DepositAndCreateOrder is Script {
function run() public {
// Configuration
address L1DepositToken = 0xCa14007Eff0dB1f8135f4C25B34De49AB0d42766; //stark on l1 sepolia
address L1BuyToken = 0x1c7D4B196Cb0C7B01d743Fbc6116a902379C7238; //usdc on l1 sepolia;
address bridgeAddress = <Address of the L1 contract>;
uint256 l2EndpointAddress = <Address of the L2 contract>;
uint256 L2SellToken = 0x04718f5a0fc34cc1af16a1cdee98ffb20c31f5cd61d6ab07201858f4287c938d; //stark on l2
uint256 L2BuyToken = 0x053b40a647cedfca6ca84f542a0fe36736031905a9639a7f19a3c1e66bfd5080; //usdc on l2
// Order parameters
uint128 currentTimestamp = uint128(block.timestamp);
uint128 difference = 16 - (currentTimestamp % 16);
uint128 start = currentTimestamp + difference;
uint128 end = start + 128;
uint128 amount = 0.05 * 10 ** 18;
uint128 fee = 0.0005 ether;
// Approve token spending
IERC20(L1DepositToken).approve(bridgeAddress, type(uint256).max);
// Create order parameters
OrderParams memory params = OrderParams({
sender: msg.sender,
sellToken: L2SellToken,
buyToken: L2BuyToken,
fee: 170141183460469235273462165868118016,
start: start,
end: end,
amount: amount
// Create order
IL1TWAMMBridge(bridgeAddress).depositAndCreateOrder{value: fee}(L1DepositToken, params);
// Initiate Withdrawal
IL1TWAMMBridge(bridgeAddress).initiateWithdrawal{value: fee}(params, order_id);
// Initiate deposit cancel request
IL1TWAMMBridge(bridgeAddress).initiateCancelDepositRequest(L1DepositToken, amount, nonce_of_the_deposit_action);
To create an order:
- Approve the required amount of tokens for spending by the L1TWAMMBridge contract.
- Call the
function on the L1TWAMMBridge contract, passing the order parameters and sufficient gas fees.
To withdraw:
- Call the
function on the L1TWAMMBridge contract, specifying the amount and L1 token address.
- Call the
To run the script, copy and paste this in your terminal.
forge script --chain sepolia script/DepositAndCreateOrder.sol:DepositAndCreateOrder --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast -vvvv
- Monitor the L2TWAMMBridge contract for received messages and processed deposits/withdrawals.