CDC (work) + personal projects @CDCgov @informaticslab
- Atlanta, GA
- prepend.com
- @leebrian
CDC (OPHDST) + Personal Projects Tuscaloosa, Alabama
United States of America
Center for Disease Control and Prevention Atlanta, Georgia
The Stochastic Group, Inc; Iowa State University, Dept. of Statistics; US Dept. of Health and Human Services; US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Emory University; University of Michigan; Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Atlanta, GA
Booz Allen Hamilton Washington DC
Atlanta, GA USA
CDC (work) + personal projects teleworking in the peach state
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics (CDC/NCHS/OD) Hyattsville, MD
Serving in government ATL
@usds California USA
Harvard Medical School, Mass General Hospital Boston, MA