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Lab - Common Web APIs for Events


This lab will further help you understand the concepts surrounding Common Web APIs for Events.

Flatapets wants to improve its website to allow its admin users to upload images for pets that are available for adoption using a file chooser and use a drag-and-drop feature to drag and drop the pet images from a list of displayed pet images to display the details for the dragged pet image. You will need to use your knowledge of Common Web APIs for Events to complete this lab.

Tools and Resources

It is recommended that you use the Visual Studio Code (VSCode) IDE for this lab.

Useful considerations and terminology:

HTML Form: A form for user input that is created by a <form> element that consists of opening and closing <form> tags that enclose one or more <input> elements where users can enter information, and a way to submit the form.

Event: Something a user does on a web page or something that happens on a web page.

Event handler: A callback function that executes code in response to an event.

submit event: An event that occurs when a user clicks on a <button> element or an <input> element whose type attribute is set to submit within a <form> to submit a form on a web page.

load event: An event that occurs once all contents of a file have loaded (in the case of a FileReader object that is listening for the load event).

dragstart event: An event that occurs when a user starts dragging an element or text selection.

dragover event: An event that occurs when an element or text selection is being dragged over a valid drop target.

drop event: An event that occurs when an element or text selection is dropped on a valid drop target.

Here are some other useful resources:


In this lab, you will practice working with the File API to retrieve file data from a file chosen using a file chooser, and the HTML Drag and Drop API to add a drag-and-drop feature to a web page.

Fork and clone this lab into your local environment. Navigate into its directory in the terminal, then run code . to open the files in Visual Studio Code.

Then, open the index.html file on your browser to run the application.

Write your code in the index.js file. There is some starter code provided in index.js.

These are your tasks:

  1. Add an event listener to the <form> element with the id of new-pet-form that will allow the <form> element to listen for the submit event and will call the handleSubmit() function in response to the submit event.
  2. handleSubmit(event): The handleSubmit() function has been declared for you, but you will need to write the code that should go inside of this function. It has 1 parameter named event whose value should be a SubmitEvent object when the correct value is passed as an argument into the function (Hint: You can check the value of a parameter or variable using console.log()). When the handleSubmit() function is called, the following actions should take place:
    • The preventDefault() method is called on the SubmitEvent object to prevent the page from refreshing.
    • The File object for the file chosen from the file <input> element with the id of new-image is stored into a variable named file.
    • A new FileReader object is created and stored into a variable named fileReader.
    • An event listener is added to the FileReader object, referenced by the fileReader variable, that will allow the FileReader object to listen for a load event and will call the handleLoad() function in response to the load event.
    • The readAsDataURL() method is called on the FileReader object, referenced by the fileReader variable. The File object, referenced by the file variable, is passed in as an argument to the readAsDataURL() method.
  3. handleLoad(event): The handleLoad() function has been declared for you, but you will need to write the code that should go inside of this function. It has 1 parameter named event whose value should be a ProgressEvent object when the correct value is passed as an argument into the function (Hint: You can check the value of a parameter or variable using console.log()). When the handleLoad() function is called, the following actions should take place:
    • An object is created and stored into a variable named newPet. The object contains the following key and value pairs:
      • A key of name whose value is set to the value of the value attribute of the <input> element with the id of new-name.
      • A key of image whose value is set to the value of the result key of the FileReader object (Hint: You should be able to access the FileReader object from, if the event parameter has the correct value).
      • A key of description whose value is set to the value of the value attribute of the <textarea> element with the id of new-description.
    • The addMovieToList() function is called and the object referenced by the newMovie variable is passed in as an argument to the addMovieToList() function.
  4. addPetImageToPetsDiv(pet): The addPetImageToPetsDiv() function has been declared for you and most of the code for this function has been written for you. It has 1 parameter named pet whose value is an object that contains the following keys: name, image, and description. Write the code to add an event listener to the <img> element, referenced by the imgElement variable, that will allow the <img> element to listen for a dragstart event. When the event handler (callback function) for the event listener is called, the value of the draggedPet variable is set to the value of the pet parameter from the addPetImageToPetsDiv() function. The draggedPet variable has been declared for you in global scope.
  5. Add an event listener to the <img> element with the class of detail-image that will allow the <img> element to listen for the dragover event. When the event handler (callback function) for the event listener is called, the preventDefault() method is called on the DragEvent object to allow for the drop event to occur on the <img> element.
  6. Add an event listener to the <img> element with the class of detail-image that will allow the <img> element to listen for the drop event. When the event handler (callback function) for the event listener is called, the displayPetDetails() function is called and the object referenced by the draggedPet variable is passed in as an argument to the displayPetDetails() function.

Submission and Grading Criteria

When you’re done with this lab, remember to commit and push your changes to GitHub, then submit your work to Canvas using CodeGrade.


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