This project is for educational purposes only. Feel free to colaborate or fork the project to make it bigger/better if u want. I'll appreciate all collab, and want to know your opinions.
This project will be updated when i have time for it or I feel inspirated.
Create client listener
Create server sender
When server sends message client must restart and wait again to the next message
When client restarts server must know it
Create nexus repository.
Client, Server, and Nexus repository must be in LAN
Server now sends nexus reference to jar to the client listening
Client now has to get the nexus reference and try to execute
When Client finish, must send to server its state
Server must know always what Client is doing
Client must send always what's been executed to Server
Server can create more than one client and manage them
Server has to connect to DB to manage all clients
- Server now has a GUI
- Server and Nexus must be in LAN but client can be anywhere
- Server, Nexus and Client can be anywhere
- Profit!