This is the repository for the OpenREALM ROS1 bridge. For informations and updates on the main library, please refer to:
OS | ROS Distribution | Build Status |
Ubuntu 16.04 | ROS Kinetic | |
Ubuntu 18.04 | ROS Melodic |
For ROS installation please refer to:
Other dependencies are installed using the
chmod u+x
Do not proceed to the next step before you executed this script.
CUDA for stereo reconstruction with plane sweep lib
-> Refer to
Please note, that installing CUDA can sometimes be troublesome. If you are facing an error like
*fatal error: cuda_runtime.h: No such file or directory*
often times adding the CUDA directory to the .bashrc does the trick. If you use CUDA 9.0 for example, you should
echo 'export CPATH=/usr/local/cuda-9.0/include:$CPATH' >> ~/.bashrc
In the following I assume you already called the and therefore have all dependencies.
Linux (both Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04)
# Create and init a catkin workspace
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin/src
# Make sure you are in your catkin_ws, not src
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Step 1: Download the test dataset:
Step 2: Unzip the dataset with a tool of your choice, e.g.
tar -xvzf open_realm_edm_dataset.tar.gz
Step 3: We provided as well a set of configuration files in realm_ros/profiles as the corresponding launch files in realm_ros/launch to run the test dataset. The only thing you have to do is modify the path in the launch file:
node pkg="realm_ros" type="realm_exiv2_grabber" name="realm_exiv2_grabber" output="screen"
param name="config/id" type="string" value="$(arg camera_id)"/>
param name="config/input" type="string" value="PUT THE TEST DATASET'S ABSOLUTE PATH HERE"/>
param name="config/rate" type="double" value="10.0"/>
param name="config/profile" type="string" value="alexa"/>
Note: The exiv2 grabber node reads images and exiv2 tags from the provided folder and publishes them for the mapping pipeline.
Step 4: Launch the pipeline you want to use.
- GNSS only mapping:
roslaunch realm_ros alexa_gnss.launch
- 2D mapping with visual SLAM:
roslaunch realm_ros alexa_noreco.launch
- 2.5D mapping with visual SLAM and surface reconstruction:
roslaunch realm_ros alexa_reco.launch