Unix Shell Setup Utility Run Inline
Also a breed of cat...
Current Version: 0.8.6
This script is designed to set up a zsh environment from scratch. It is coppied to .zshrc and runs inline, i.e. when you login or execute a new shell it will check the current environment and install components/configurations if they are not present.
By default this script uses zinit as the zsh plugin manager, oh-my-posh, and powerlevel10k as the theme, e.g.
The defaults can be changed by editing the script.
The script will install as .zshrc using the --install switch. This will also make a backup of the existing .zshrc file.
./ussuri.zsh --install --verbose
Setting: Environment parameter "WORK_DIR" to "/Users/testuser/.ussuri"
Executing: mkdir -p /Users/testuser/.ussuri/files
Information: Setting defaults
Executing: PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/Users/testuser/.rbenv/bin:/Users/testuser/.pyenv/bin:/Users/testuser/.zinit/polaris/bin:/Users/testuser/.oh-my-posh:/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/System/Cryptexes/App/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/local/bin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/bin:/var/run/com.apple.security.cryptexd/codex.system/bootstrap/usr/appleinternal/bin:/opt/X11/bin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Public"
Executing: LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_HELP" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_DRYRUN" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_CONFIRM" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_DEBUG" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_BUILD" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_PLUGINS" to "true"
Setting: Environment parameter "ZINIT_FILE" to "/Users/testuser/.ussuri/files/zinit/zinit.zsh"
Setting: Environment parameter "INSTALL_ZINIT" to "true"
Setting: Environment parameter "INSTALL_RBENV" to "true"
Setting: Environment parameter "INSTALL_PYENV" to "true"
Setting: Environment parameter "INSTALL_POSH" to "true"
Setting: Environment parameter "INSTALL_OZSH" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "INSTALL_FONTS" to "true"
Setting: Environment parameter "INSTALL_P10K" to "true"
Setting: Environment parameter "ZINIT_HOME" to "/Users/testuser/.zinit"
Setting: Environment parameter "RBENV_HOME" to "/Users/testuser/.rbenv"
Setting: Environment parameter "PYENV_HOME" to "/Users/testuser/.pyenv"
Setting: Environment parameter "POSH_HOME" to "/Users/testuser/.oh-my-posh"
Setting: Environment parameter "ZOSH_HOME" to "/Users/testuser/.oh-my-zsh"
Setting: Environment parameter "P10K_INIT" to "/Users/testuser/.p10k.zsh"
Setting: Environment parameter "SOURCE_P10K_INIT" to "/Users/testuser/.ussuri/files/p10k/p10k.zsh"
Setting: Environment parameter "P10K_HOME" to "/Users/testuser/.powerlevel10k"
Setting: Environment parameter "P10K_THEME" to "/Users/testuser/.powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme"
Setting: Environment parameter "RUBY_VER" to "3.3.4"
Setting: Environment parameter "PYTHON_VER" to "3.12.4"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_VERSION_CHECK" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_DEFAULTS_CHECK" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_PACKAGE_CHECK" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_UPDATE_CHECK" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_UPDATE_FUNCT" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_PYENV_CHECK" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_RBENV_CHECK" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_ZINIT_CHECK" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_FONTS_CHECK" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_POSH_CHECK" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_P10K_CHECK" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_ZOSH_CHECK" to "false"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_ENV_SETUP" to "true"
Setting: Environment parameter "DO_ZSH_THEME" to "true"
Setting: Environment parameter "ZSH_THEME" to "robbyrussell"
Setting: Environment parameter "PLUGIN_MANAGER" to "zinit"
Information: Backing up /Users/testuser/.zshrc to /Users/testuser/.ussuri/.zshrc.03_08_2024_21_09_20
Executing: cp /Users/testuser/.zshrc /Users/testuser/.ussuri/.zshrc.03_08_2024_21_09_20
Information: Replacing /Users/testuser/.zshrc
Executing: cp ./ussuri.zsh /Users/testuser/.zshrc
Setting: Environment parameter "WORK_DIR" to "/Users/testuser/.ussuri"
Executing: mkdir -p /Users/testuser/.ussuri/files
Executing: ( cd /Users/testuser/ussuri/files ; tar -cpf - . )|( cd /Users/testuser/.ussuri/files ; tar -xpf - )
Executing: cp /Users/testuser/.ussuri/files/p10k/p10k.zsh /Users/testuser/.p10k.zsh
Usage: ./ussuri.zsh [OPTIONS...]
When run manually with switches:
-h|--help Print usage
-V|--version Print version
-e|--changelog Print changelog
-A|--doall Do all fuction (where set to true)
-i|--inline Set inline defaults when not runing inline mode
-I|--install Installs ussuri as: /Users/spindler/.zshrc
-b|--build Build sources (default: false)
-c|--confirm Confirm commands (default: false)
-C|--check. Check for updates (default: false)
-d|--debug Enable debug (default: false)
-D|--default(s) Set defaults (default: false)
-f|--font(s) Install font(s) (default: false)
-m|--manager Plugin manager (default: zinit)
-n|--notheme No zsh theme (default: true)
-N|--noenv Ignore environment (default: true)
-o|--ohmyposh Install oh my posh (default: false)
-O|--ohmyzsh Install oh my zsh (default: false)
-p|--pyenv Do pyenv check (default: false)
-P|--package(s) Do packages check (default: false)
-r|--rbenv Do rbenv check (default: false)
-s|--startdir Set start dir (default: none)
-t|--dryrun Dry run mode (default: false)
-T|--p10k Do p10k config (default: false)
-U|--update Check for updates (default: false)
-v|--verbose Verbose output (default: false)
-z|--zinit Do zinit check (default: false)
-Z|--zshtheme Set zsh theme (default: robbyrussell)
Defaults when run inline (i.e. as login script):
Do build mode false
Do confirm mode false
Do update check false
Do debug mode false
Do defaults check: true
Do fonts check: true
Do package check: true
Do zinit check: true
Do pyenv check: true
Do rbenv check: true
Do p10k check true
Do oh-my-posh check: true
Do oh-my-zsh check: false
Do verbose mode false
Do sudoers check: false
Plugin Manager: zinit
Start Directory: none
Some defaults can be overridden by declaring them at the top of the script, e.g. DO_VERBOSE.
This software is licensed as CC-BA (Creative Commons By Attrbution)