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Richard Spindler edited this page Sep 29, 2020 · 1 revision

Some example commands to do various operations on VirtualBox VMs

Configure VirtualBox network

./modest.rb --action check --vm vbox

Creating Kickstart (CentOS, Scientific, RedHat Enterprise, Fedora, Oracle Enterprise) Linux VirtualBox VM examples

./modest.rb --action create --method kickstart --vm vbox --name centos510vm01 --arch x86_64 --mac 00:50:56:34:4E:7A
./modest.rb --action create --os-type rhel --vm vbox --name centos510vm01 --arch x86_64 --mac 00:50:56:34:4E:7A

Create Preseed (Ubuntu, Debian) Linux VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action create --method preseed --vm vbox --name ubuntu1310vm01 --arch x86_64 --mac 08:00:27:BA:34:7C
./modest.rb --action create --os-type ubuntu --vm vbox --name ubuntu1310vm01 --arch x86_64 --mac 08:00:27:BA:34:7C

Create AutoYast (SuSE Enterprise, OpenSuSE) Linux VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action create --method autoyast --vm vbox -client sles11sp2vm01 --arch x86_64 --mac 08:00:27:BA:34:7D
./modest.rb --action create --os-type sles --vm vbox -client sles11sp2vm01 --arch x86_64 --mac 08:00:27:BA:34:7D

Create Jumpstart (Solaris 2.6 - 10) VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action create --method jumstart --vm vbox --name sol10u11vm01 --arch i386 --mac 00:0C:29:FA:0C:7F
./modest.rb --action create --os-type solaris --release 10 --vm vbox --name sol10u11vm01 --arch i386 --mac 00:0C:29:FA:0C:7F

Create AI (Solaris 11) VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action create --method ai --vm vbox --name sol11u01vm03 --arch i386 --mac 00:50:56:26:92:D8
./modest.rb --action create --os-type solaris --release 11 --vm vbox --name sol11u01vm03 --arch i386 --mac 00:50:56:26:92:D8

Create vSphere (ESXi) VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action create --os-type vsphere --vm vbox --name vmware60vb01 --arch x86_64 --mac 08:00:27:61:B7:AD

Create OpenBSD VirtualBox VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action create --os-type openbsd --vm vbox --name openbsd55vm01 --arch x86_64 --mac 08:00:27:61:B7:AA

Create NetBSD VirtualBox VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action create --os-type netbsd --vm vbox --name netbsd10vm01 --arch x86_64 --mac 08:00:27:61:B7:AB

Delete Kickstart (Linux) VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action delete --vm vbox --name centos510vm01

Delete Jumpstart (Solaris 10) VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb -action delete --vm vbox --name sol10u11vm01

Delete AI (Solaris 11) VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action delete --vm vbox --name sol11u01vm03

Delete vSphere (ESXi) VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action delete --vm vbox --name vmware55vm01

Boot headless Linux VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action boot --vm vbox --name centos510vm01

Boot headless serial enabled Linux VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action boot --vm vbox --console serial --name centos510vm01

Boot non headless Linux VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action boot --vm vbox --console headless --name centos510vm01

Connect to serial port of running VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action serial --name centos510vm01

Halt Linux VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action stop --vm vbox --name centos510vm01

Modify VirtualBox VM MAC Address:

./modest.rb --action change --name centos510vm01 --mac 00:50:56:34:4E:7A

Check VirtualBox Configuration:

./modest.rb --action check --vm vbox

List running VirtualBox VMs:

./modest.rb --action running --vm vbox

Snapshot VirtualBox VMs:

./modest.rb --action snapshot --vm vbox --name centos510vm01

List VirtualBox VM snapshots:

./modest.rb --action list --type snapshot  --vm vbox --name sol11u02vm01

Create a Virtualbox VM, attach a CDROM:

./modest.rb --action create --vm vbox --name sol11u03vb01 --method ai --size 50G --file /Users/spindler/Downloads/sol-11_3-beta-text-x86.iso --verbose

Boot a VirtualBox VM, set CDROM as boot device:

./modest.rb --action boot --vm vbox --name sol11u03vb01 --type cdrom

Add a share to a VirtualBox VM:

./modest.rb --action add --vm vbox --name sol11u03vb01 --share /Users/spindler/ISOs

Show VirtualBox VM information:

./modest.rb --action show --vm vbox --vlient sol11u03vb01

Set VirtualBox VM Parameter:

./modest.rb --action set --vm vbox --param acpi --value on --name sol11u03vb01

Get VirtualBox VM Parameter:

./modest.rb --action get --vm vbox --param acpi --name sol11u03vb01
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