Safe, production happy, colourful logging - makes reading your logs much easier.
(Rain)bows makes logging debug messages in your apps much nicer.
- It allows you to create custom loggers for each module in your app, that prefix all log messages with the name of the app, so that you can scan the messages more easily.
- It colors the prefix differently and distinctly for each logger/module so that it's even easier to read.
- It can be safely used in production, where logging will be disabled by default, so that you can leave log messages in your code.
- Loggers safely wrap console.log, to maintain the line number from where they are called in the console output.
If you are using browserify, you'll want something like:
npm install bows --save
If you use Bower:
bower install bows --save
Otherwise, download either bows.js or bows.min.js.
- Easily create prefixes for your logs, so that you can distinguish between logs from different parts of your app easily.
- If supported, prefixes will be color coded for even easier identification.
- Can be safely used in production, as logs will be disabled for your users, but can be enabled by you with a local storage flag.
- Greppable logs by setting
localStorage.debug = /Foo/
to only display logs for modules matching the regex to help you focus in development.- Invert regex to remove logs matching with:
localStorage.debug ='!/Foo/
- Invert regex to remove logs matching with:
- Customize the localStorage key by setting
and you can uselocalStorage.<anyKeyYouWant>
to set your log grepping.
- Works in all reasonable browsers
- Supports colors in chrome, opera, firefox >= 31.0, electron
Works great in browserify and the browser.
Creating a new logger:
- Browserify:
var log = require('bows')("My Module Name")
- Browser:
var log = bows("My Module Name")
- Browserify:
Then using it is easy:
log("Module loaded") //-> "My Module Name | Module Loaded"
log("Did something") //-> "My Module Name | Did something"
Typically each seperate module/view/etc in your app would create it's own logger. It will be assigned it's own color to make it easy to spot logs from different modules.
You can pass additional arguments to
which will be automatically prepended to each message, e.g.:var log = bows("My App", "[ChuckNorris]"); log("Kicks ass!"); //outputs: //My App | [ChuckNorris] Kicks ass!
Logging is disabled by default. To enable logging, set
localStorage.debug = true
in your console and refresh the page. -
To disable logging again, you must do
delete localStorage.debug
(localStorage.debug = false
will not work). -
You can leave the code in in production, and log() will just safely no-op unless localStorage.debug is set.
Where colors are not supported, bows will just log plain text, but still with the module prefix.
- If you wish to manually disable colors in an environment because detection is incorrect, set
localStorage.debugColors = false
, to reenabledelete localStorage.debugColors
- If you wish to manually disable colors in an environment because detection is incorrect, set
//Should be set in your console to see messages
localStorage.debug = true
//Configure the max length of module names (optional)
bows.config({ padLength: 10 })
var logger1 = bows('Module 1')
var logger2 = bows('Module 2')
var logger3 = bows('Module 3')
logger1("We started up")
logger2("We did something too")
logger3("I'm here")
logger3("I'm still here")
logger2("I'm tired")
logger1("We're done here")
This project uses phantomjs
for tests. To run the tests install the development dependencies and then run:
npm test
Add a file in test
, refer to enabled.html/disabled.html, then add the script to the array in test/index.js.
Copyright @philip_roberts /
With contributions from:
Bows depends on andlog, a nice little logging module by @HenrikJoreteg.
Please feel free to raise issues, or make contributions:
git clone
cd bows
npm install #install dependencies
#edit bows.js
npm test
npm run build.js #build dist/bows.js and dist/bows.min.js, also done by `npm test`