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awot-scripts Build Status npm version


$ npm install awot-scripts



Creates gzip compressed payload files for aWOT web server.

Add config to the root level of package.json and awot-static script to the scripts.

Example config

  "awot-static": {
   "sources": "./build",
    "indexFile": "index.html",
    "sketchDir": "./ArduinoProject",
    "sdCard": false,
    "exclude": [
  "scripts": {
    "awot-static": "awot-static"

Execute the script by running npm run awot-static.

This will generate a static gzipped payload file StaticFiles.h to the sketchDir directory. Include the file with #include "StaticFiles.h" and to mount the http handlers call app.use(staticFiles());. If you set the option sdCard to true the output will be a file called static.bin. Copy this file to a SD card and serve the files using the CardFiles example.


Creates a boilerplate Arduino project for the aWOT web server library.

Execute the script by running npx awot-create ProjectName Wifi|Ethernet. Defaults to Wifi.


Control Arduino IDE command line interface using config defined in package.json file.

Add config to the root level of package.json and awot-command-line script to the scripts.

Example config

 "awot-command-line": {
    "sketch": "SketchName/SketchName.ino",
    "idePath": "/Applications/",
    "port": "/dev/cu.Repleo-PL2303-00002014",
    "board": {
      "package": "esp32",
      "arch": "esp32",
      "board": "esp32"
    "action": "upload"
  "scripts": {
    "awot-command-line": "awot-command-line"

Execute the script by running npm run awot-command-line.

The options can also be extended:

  "awot-command-line": {
    "sketch": "DuinoDCX/DuinoDCX.ino",
    "idePath": "/Applications/",
    "port": "/dev/cu.Repleo-PL2303-00002014",
    "board": {
      "package": "esp32",
      "arch": "esp32",
      "board": "esp32"
    "extensions": {
      "upload": {
        "action": "upload"
      "verify": {
        "action": "verify"
  "scripts": {
     "upload": "awot-command-line upload",
     "verify": "awot-command-line verify"

Execute the scripts by running npm run upload and npm run verify.


Options are defined in the package.json file under the awot-command-line key.


Type: String Default value: '/Applications/'

Path to Arduino IDE executable file.


Type: String

Path to the sketch file.


Type: String

Defines the performed action.

Available actions

Builds the sketch.


Builds and uploads the sketch.


Prints the value of the given preference to the standard output stream. When the value does not exist, nothing is printed and the exit status is set (see EXIT STATUS below). If no preference is given as parameter, it prints all preferences. Used with board parameter


Fetches available board support (platform) list and install the specified one, along with its related tools. If version is omitted, the latest is installed. If a platform with the same version is already installed, nothing is installed and program exits with exit code 1. If a platform with a different version is already installed, it’s replaced. Used with board parameter


Fetches available libraries list and install the specified one. If version is omitted, the latest is installed. If a library with the same version is already installed, nothing is installed and program exits with exit code 1. If a library with a different version is already installed, it’s replaced. Used with libraries parameter.


Type: [{name: String, version: String}] An array of libraries to install. Parameter version is optional.


Type: String

Package is the identifier of the vendor (the first level folders inside the hardware directory). Default arduino boards use arduino.


Type: String

Architecture is the architecture of the board (second level folders inside the hardware directory). Default arduino boards use either avr for all AVR-based boards (like Uno, Mega or Leonardo) or ´sam´ for 32bit SAM-based boards (like Arduino Due).


Type: String

Board is the actual board to use, as defined in boards.txt contained in the architecture folder selected. For example, uno for the Arduino Uno, diecimila for the Arduino Duemilanove or Diecimila, or ´mega´ for the Arduino Mega.


Type: String

Used with ´getPref´ action;


Type: String Parameters is a comma-separated list of boards specific parameters that are normally shown under submenus of the "Tools" menu. For example 'cpu=atmega168' to Select the mega168 variant of the Arduino Nano board.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Enable verbose mode during build. If this option is not given, verbose mode during build is disabled regardless of the current preferences.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Enable verbose mode during upload. If this option is not given, verbose mode during upload is disabled regardless of the current preferences.

This option is only valid together with actions 'verify' or 'upload'.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Enable verbose mode during build and upload. This option has the same effect of using both verboseBuild and --verboseUpload.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Keep temporary files (preprocessed sketch, object files…) after termination. If omitted, temporary files are deleted.

This option is only valid together with actions verify´ or upload`.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Read and store preferences from the specified filename instead of the default one.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Save any (changed) preferences to preferences.txt. In particular --board, --port, --pref, --verbose, --verbose-build and --verbose-upload may alter the current preferences.


Build tooling for aWOT







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