A simple Wechat pay ruby gem, without unnecessary magic or wrapper. Just a simple wrapper for api V3. Refer to wx_pay
Please read official document first: https://pay.weixin.qq.com/wiki/doc/apiv3_partner/pages/index.shtml
If you want check the present public api, you can find them in the Document。
will contain the public api for direct connection merchant(直连商户)and WechatPay::Ecommerce
will contain the public api for ecommerce(服务商,电商平台)。For more detail you can refer to the wechat document.
- 直连商户: https://pay.weixin.qq.com/wiki/doc/apiv3/index.shtml
- 服务商: https://pay.weixin.qq.com/wiki/doc/apiv3_partner/index.shtml
- 电商平台(电商收付通): https://pay.weixin.qq.com/wiki/doc/apiv3_partner/open/pay/chapter3_3_3.shtml
If you find any issue in this repo, don't shy to create issues https://github.com/lanzhiheng/wechat-pay/issues
For more Information,you can check my posts: https://www.lanzhiheng.com/posts/preview/ruby-gem-for-wechat-pay-v3
Add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'wechat-pay'
or development version
gem 'wechat-pay', :github => 'lanzhiheng/wechat-pay'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Create config/initializer/wechat_pay.rb
and put following configurations into it
WechatPay.apiclient_key = File.read('apiclient_key.pem')
WechatPay.platform_cert = File.read('platform_cert.pem') # You should comment this line before downloaded platform_cert.
WechatPay.apiclient_cert = File.read('apiclient_cert.pem')
WechatPay.app_id = 'Your App Id'
WechatPay.mch_id = 'Your Mch Id'
WechatPay.mch_key = 'Your Mch Key'
I will provide a simple script for you to download the platform_cert
def download_certificate
download_path = 'Your Download Path'
raise '必须提供证书下载路径' if download_path.blank?
response = WechatPay::Ecommerce.certificates
raise '证书下载失败' unless response.code == 200
result = JSON.parse(response.body)
# 需要按生效日期进行排序,获取最新的证书
array = result['data'].sort_by { |item| -Time.parse(item['effective_time']).to_i }
current_data = array.first
encrypt_certificate = current_data['encrypt_certificate']
associated_data = encrypt_certificate['associated_data']
nonce = encrypt_certificate['nonce']
ciphertext = encrypt_certificate['ciphertext']
content = WechatPay::Sign.decrypt_the_encrypt_params(
associated_data: associated_data,
nonce: nonce,
ciphertext: ciphertext
File.open(download_path, 'w') do |f|
puts '证书下载成功'