A collection of resources for those of us that host Gatsby outside of the standard providers like Gatsby Cloud, Netlify, Vercel, etc.
- Debugging Incremental Builds - Dive into how incremental builds work and how you can debug them.
- Multi-core Builds - Control the CPU consumed by your build process with `GATSBY_CPU_COUNT`.
- Increase allocated memory - Control your Node memory usage with `NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size`.
- gatsby-plugin-fastify - A way to integrate your Gatsby site with a Node.js server using Fastify. Enables Functions, DSG, SSR, Image CDN, etc.
- gatsby-plugin-s3 - Enables you to deploy your gatsby site to a S3 bucket.
- Dynamically build pages in lambda environment - Brief discussion on building Gatsby in AWS Lambda functions.
- Add a gatsby cli api - Brief look at the Gatsby CLI and how one might use it to call functions programmatically.
- Developing a NextJS app on OpenFaaS - Self-hosting with OpenFaaS (Serverless Kubernetes). Next.js - but still useful to compare.
- Migrating Netlify’s Continuous Deployment infra to Kubernetes (and everything we learned along the way) - A deep dive in the work Netlify did to move onto Kubernetes.
- How do you think Vercel/Netlify implement their preview URL feature? - An interesting look at the infrastructure behind preview URLs.
- Who here is working on something hosted somewhere other than Vercel or Netifly? - A relevant thread on alernative hosting options.
- gatsby-webhook.js - A webhook that builds Gatsby via an Express endpoint with a FIFO queue.
- gatsby-webhooks - An open-source implementation of Build webhooks using Express.js
- Incoming webhooks - Documentation on AWS Amplify webhooks, which may be useful in deploying content changes from your CMS.
- Cloudflare Deploy Hooks - With Deploy Hooks, you can trigger deployments using event sources beyond commits in your source repository.
- Auto build Gatsby application using custom Webhook on Wordpress - An interesting write-up with a real example of a Java (Springboot) webhook.
- Create a WordPress Plugin to Rebuild Your Gatsby App on AWS using GitHub Actions - Trigger a Build on AW via GitHub
- Automatically rebuilding Gatsby websites using a webhook - An open source webhook that rebuilds your Gatsby web application once your content is published in Sanity
- How to deploy your Gatsby site on your own server - Utilizes GitHub Actions to create a webhook that runs `git pull`,`npm install`, and `gatsby build`
- Meli Docs - Meli is an open source platform built for deploying static sites and frontend applications. Unclear how well maintained it is, but still interesting nonetheless.
- Fission: Serverless Functions for Kubernetes - Fission is a fast serverless framework for Kubernetes with a focus on developer productivity and high performance.
- Why Containerize Your Gatsby Application? - A quick tutorial on containerizing Gatsy + NGINX.
- How to Deploy a Gatsby Application to DigitalOcean App Platform - Deploy Gatsby to DigitalOcean's PaaS, App Platform.
- Automatically rebuilding Gatsby websites using a webhook - Build your own Express.js webhook to authenticate and trigger a GitHub pipeline.
- Gatsby Incremental Builds: The Backstory - An unique perspective into Gatsby Incremental builds written by Alex Moon.
- Gatsby JS | Continuous deployment with AWS Amplify - Deploy a Gatsby JS website to AWS Amplify.
- https://dockerquestions.com/2020/12/07/kaniko-how-to-cache-folders-from-gatsby-build-in-kubernetes-using-tekton/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/nextjs/comments/q7vw6p/cheaper_vercel_alternatives_specifically_to/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/nextjs/comments/qwa8m8/is_it_possible_to_deploy_a_nextjs_app_with_ssr/ - https://github.com/netlify/gatsby-runner#how-it-works (https://www.netlify.com/blog/cut-build-times-with-gatsby-runner/) - https://www.jameshill.dev/articles/running-gatsby-within-aws-lambda/ - https://github.com/jahilldev/gatsby-lambda/blob/main/src/lambda.ts - https://gist.github.com/digitalkaoz/94933c246ba67032a1507083e2605a30 - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66762442/gatsby-preview-server-in-a-serverless-stateless-environment