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Sergeus edited this page Jun 21, 2012 · 1 revision

Carbon Reporting

Cheating, in the context of our Kyoto Protocol simulation, involves reporting falsified carbon emission reports. If you are implementing a country agent, then reporting false values is fairly simple. In your country class, which should inherit from AbstractCountry, override the function getReportedCarbonOutput(). This function should return a double which represents the carbon output you wish to report to the monitoring body. This function will be called, without your behavior's involvement, once every year on the correct turn for the monitor to pick up the data.

If you do not wish to cheat, do not override the function at all and your correct carbon output will be reported automatically.

Other Forms of Cheating

Our Kyoto Protocol framework does not support any other forms of cheating. Though we have done our best to make unintentionally (or intentionally) detrimentally altering the game state difficult, keep in mind that simple exploits like calling setters on other nations is NOT form of cheating, it is breaking the simulation.