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cmd08 edited this page Jun 15, 2012 · 5 revisions

Outlining the scope of the Kyoto Protocol for the ISE2012 group project.

Includes implementing Flexibility Mechanisms:

CDM (rich investing in developing makes [Certified Emission Reductions] ( ) Joint Implementation (rich investing in rich country, makes Emission reduction unit )

Emissions Trading (general credit trade).

Claymore upload: International Rules for greenhouse gas trading

Kyoto Rules

  1. Trading only one GHG: CO2
  2. Trading only one kind of credit
  3. Carbon sinks can make credits
  4. Trade (FSM protocol: ) :
    • Buy Credits
    • Sell Credits
    • Buy Investment in Carbon offset
    • Sell Carbon offset Investment
  5. ALL countries:
    • They must have in place a national system for estimating emissions and removals of greenhouse gases within their territory. calculateCarbonEmission()
    • They must have in place a national registry to record and track the creation and movement of credits. getCarbonEmissionReports(time, emission)
    • They must annually report information on emissions and removals to the secretariat. addToReports(time, emission)
    • Can leave Kyoto protocol
    • Can enter Kyoto protocol?
    • Can invest in carbon reduction (tree planting) CarbonReductionHandler
    • Can invest in dirty industry (carbon capture) CarbonAbsoptionHandler
    • Individual countries:
      1. Annex 1 Over Produce: (EU) & Excess Credits(Russia) GP1 + GP2
        • Assigned credits as a target in terms of tonnes of CO2 emissions.
        • Trades: All
        • Can Carbon offset, invest in reducing dirty industry
      2. Non Annex 1 Max Growth (Brazil etc) GP3
        • No credit allocation
        • May have national commitments to CO2 reduction
        • Can accept investment for carbon sinks
      3. Non Participants (USA & Canada) GP4
        • Can accept investment for carbon sinks
        • Can invest in carbon sinks elsewhere
        • Can have national commitments to CO2 reduction
      4. Auction House GP5
        • Oversee monitoring requests & associated costing
        • Building protocols

Economic Rules


  • Carbon offset cost curve + credit result
  • GDP effect of ignoring green budget or having successful investment programmes
  • Green budget max limit? Otherwise borrow from future years
  • GDP effect on reducing/stifling dirty industry
  • Dirty industry reduction cost curve + credit result

In progress:

  • Zysko is working on some GDP game rules/models
  • Stuart has made some cost curves in AbstractCountry
  • Tory in google docs making GDP model also.


Maybe we even need to discuss units? I.e. CO2 K Tonnes and Landmass in Thousand Km2? I think SI units are all valid. Km2 and KT make sense. Methods should, however, explicitly state in their javadocs regardless of any standard assumed

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The commitment period reserve

In order to address the concern that Parties could "oversell" units, and subsequently be unable to meet their own emissions targets, each Party is required to maintain a reserve of ERUs, CERs, AAUs and/or RMUs in its national registry. This reserve, known as the "commitment period reserve", should not drop below 90 per cent of the Party's assigned amount or 100 per cent of five times its most recently reviewed inventory, whichever is lowest

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