I built a SPA (Single Page Application) with a modern tech stack using JavaScript, ReactJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS, CSS, HTML, and more. I hand coded and designed this app's front-end and back-end. The only CSS framework I used was FontAwesome for some of their awesome icons!
The purpose of this project is to highlight my skills and experience as a developer; it is my developer portfolio site reinvented (i had a developer portfolio already being hosted online, but I shut it down so that I could rebuild it with a modern tech stack and redesign it, too).
My project is hosted on Heroku and can be viewed at https://www.kylejnovak.com.
What I achieved from this project was that I got to learn a lot of tools that I hadn't used before or wasn't too familiar with (i.e. ReactJS, ExpressJS, and NodeJS), as well as launch a full featured SPA app onto the web!
Project features include:
- Parallax scrolling
- Mobile-first design
- Responsive design
- JavaScript Image Slider
- CSS Transitions and Animations
- Modularized ReactJS user interface
- NodeJS Contact form
- Google Maps API to display my location
- Gmail API to send email via a contact form