A Free Open Source Standard Notes Extensions Repository Hosted via Github Pages.
Go to https://github.com/kylejbrk/standard-notes-open-extended/tree/gh-pages#readme to view the list of available extensions.
Simply copy the url for the desired extension, and past it into Settings -> General -> Advanced Options -> Install External Package and then click Install
- A repository containing official Standard Notes themes and components
- Updated daily (via Github Actions)
- Free Hosting (via Github Pages)
This project is intended to be used with Github Pages and Github actions.
- Fork the Repo
- Let the action generate via the build files (this may require deleting and recreating the .github/workflows folder)
- Make sure the gh-pages branch is set as your github page
- Optional If you are using a custom domain, make an enviornment variable called CUSTOM_DOMAIN with your endpoint.
- Inspired by: https://github.com/iganeshk/standardnotes-extensions and https://github.com/JokerQyou/snextensions
- https://github.com/peaceiris/actions-gh-pages for deployments
- https://github.com/standardnotes for all their Extensions